chapter 17

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Your pov

I've been doing some homework while the boys where gone, But right now I was bored out of my mind so I just decide to go hang out with Robbie because why not. I walk out of my house to see Robbie walking in their garden so I sneak up to him and jump on his hand "who is this I know you're not one of the boys you're too light for that" I laugh and jump off "hey Rob I want to hang out with you today" he starts smiling "that will be fun but a friend of mine will have to come along though" I smile "if the person is nice then it's obviously fine" "well uhm it's my girlfriend" I look at him shocked "you have a girlfriend" I almost screamed at him. He just nods awkwardly "oh oh oh tell me all about her!".

"her name is Yvette, she's very sweet and we have been dating for a few months but I didn't tell the guys yet so please don't tell them" "you're asking me to lie to my boyfriends" "omg did they finally ask you" I nod and smile "Yes well they all tried and then Jack was the one to ask it" I laughs and tell me about them discussing about they were going to ask me and if they were going to ask me.

Robbie and I are waiting in his car for Yvette to come out, I'm just talking about some random stuff with Robbie when Robbie starts smiling so bright so I look over to see this girl walking over to the car also smiling brightly. I shake my head and tell Robbie to just hang out together with her and he agrees. I introduce myself to Yvette and I already know we will be good friends and then they just drive off. I feel like a proud mom.

Now I have a small problem that I didn't think of, I have no idea where I am and I have no idea how I will get home so I will just try to get one of the boys to pick me up.

Chat with Rye

Me: Ryeeeeeeeeeee

Rye: oh god what will it cost?

Me: haha no it will not cost anything

Me: But I'm somewhere and I have a ride back so I thought I will ask one of my amazing boyfriends and seeing that I don't wanna be in a car with brook I messaged you

Rye: hmm okay so all the boys still have to do their parts of the new cover but you are lucky because I'm done so we can do something fun together.

Me: like a date

Rye: definitely a date babe.

Me: I'm not dressed fancy so don't you dare taking me out for dinner or something

Rye: don't worry I have something prepared

Me: you had already planned it how?

Rye: let's say it was on purpose that I finished first ;)

Me: okay okay now just come pick me up I will just send you my location

Me: sent a location

Rye: see you soon Babe

Rye was here quite fast, I had to wait for like 10 minutes which was fine because Jack facetimed me because he missed me the cheesy idiot.

"get in babe we're going on a date" I hear Rye say and I turn around to see him sitting in his car so I just say bye to Jack and get in the car with Rye and hug him. After I pull back he just stares and me and reaches out to my face and gently tucks a lost strait of hair behind my ear and just stares at me "y/n may I kiss you". All I could do was nod and stare at his lips. I close my eyes as he presses his soft lips against mine, we didn't make out or anything just a soft kiss. "let's go now" he says and starts the car while I'm just sat there in shock.

Rye pulls up in front of their house and gets out and mentions me to stay in my seat while he walks around the car to open my door. He holds out his hand for me to take and says "my lady" I just roll my eyes and take his hand and get out of the car. Rye keeps holding my hand and pulls me to the garden where I see a giant bubble blowing thing and water guns.

He just holds my waist as he tells me to make some giant bubbles which is very fun and then he gives me the water gun to shoot the bubbles with. I smirk as I realize he has a white shirt on and just shoot the water at him "oh you're going to get it" and he starts doing the same, I run away and he runs after me when he has almost caught me he trips and takes me down with him. I turn around so him is laying on top of me and we both start laughing, we both stop laughing and just stare at each other for a while until we hear someone clear their throat we look around to see the boys standing there looking at us with a fond smile. "as much as I like this view let's get you both into some dry clothes" Mikey says and he helps me up. I can't help to notice the guys staring at my chest, I look down to see that my shirt is sticking to my body "geez guys" I roll my eyes and just take my shirt of, and their jaws are almost hanging on the ground by now. "Guys stop staring and let's go inside I'm getting cold" they all look quite embarrassed and look away and get inside with me.

Once inside Rye, Jack, Mikey and Andy are getting some towels and brook is just awkwardly standing there trying to look anywhere but my chest. I walk closer to him and he starts blushing a bit "Brook may I wear one of your shirts please" "uh yes yes of course do you want me to get you one" "I will just walk with you babe" I take his hand and start pulling him to his room. Brook hands me one of his red shirts and is about to walk away but I take a hold of his arm and pull him to me and press my lips against his.

Brook just stands there in shock touching his lips so I throw on his shirt and pick up one of his sweatpants and also put them on. "let's go to the other handsome or do you want some more kisses" he just nods and I give in and I mean you can guess what happened after that.

This is a long chapter wtf


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