chapter 12

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Your pov

Andy: We're going to an escape room for a vlog you wanna join?

Me: well idk it depends

Rye: we will need you it's gonna be a game to see who is the fastest but it won't be fair if one group has one more player

Me: ah okay I will go

Mikey: okay great because you're in my team

Me: no I want to be in Andy's team

Mikey: WHY

Me: He's smart

Rye: wow geez thanks y/n and I thought we were best friends.

Mikey: and I thought I was your bf

Me: yeah but Andy is the smartest

Jack: yeah true but Andy has Brook so he has a disadvantage

Brook: why does everyone think I'm an idiot

Rye: do you even want an answer?

Brook: no not really

Andy: I actually want y/n in my team

Me: nah me and Mikey are gonna kick your asses!!!!

Mikey: hell yeah

Rye: Nah me and Jack well win

Jack: uhm idk


Me: hahahah aw poor jack

Andy: so you're coming over then

Me: I don't have much choice do I

Mikey: nope but don't just wear sweats you will be in the video

Rye: she will still look better then you so don't say anything

Andy: haha yeah Mikey

Me: heyyyyy don't be mean to my baby

Me: but I will not wear sweats then Mikey

Me: and I always look better then Mikey

Jack: haha that's not that difficult.

Mikey: guys I'm right here

Me: okay okay shut up now I will get dressed now

I walk over to their house and see them already waiting outside with Robbie and Alex, who are quite obviously filming there intro so I decide to just walk over but stay out of shot well at least that was my intention

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I walk over to their house and see them already waiting outside with Robbie and Alex, who are quite obviously filming there intro so I decide to just walk over but stay out of shot well at least that was my intention. But when Mikey sees me he runs over and pulls me into the shot. They introduce me and made me tell some stuff about myself and then we went to the escape room.

Rye and Jack went first they did it in like 45 minutes now it's my turn so I pull Mikey with me and the door closes. Robbie films us while Alex films the waiting boys. I start looking around and so does Mikey. "Hey Mikey I found something" Mikey comes over and looks over my shoulder as I'm holding a clock and start twisting it until a key falls out, I give it to Mikey as he says were he thinks it will fit. I worked and we got an even bigger key that opened the door. Andy told us our time "Twenty minutes guys" I look at Mikey with big eyes and give him a big hug and whisper in his ear "dream team babe" and give him a kiss on his cheek.

Andy and Brook have been in there for an hour now and I start to get bored so I lay my head in Jacks lap and my feet in Mikey's lap "do you think they died" I ask Jack, he laughs and shakes his head "Andy might have killed Brook though" Rye says. We all agree.

A while later they get out and the first thing I hear is Brook saying "I told you we had to do something with the clock but nooooo you said that that would be dumb" Andy blushes as he sees us all staring. "Well as you guys probably have guessed who won" Jack says while looking at me and Mikey. We both cheer which makes everyone laugh.

"the losers were supposed to get a punishment but I think Andy has already had his but should we still punish them" Rye says while looking at us and we answer with a 'duh'

We're all standing in front of asda and I just look at Andy and Brook and wish them luck. They get undressed and run into asda with Robbie following them. The remaining guys and I break down laughing.

It was very interesting let's just say that they aren't welcome there anymore.

By the time we were done with everything it was about 11 pm so I decided to stay over. So right now I'm cuddled up with Mikey we lay in silence. "Mikey.." I carefully break the silence he hums "why do some fan hate me already" he sits up a bit and looks at me "you are reading the hate" I shrug "well it's not like I can ignore it when they keep dming me" he hugs me tight "I'm sorry about it babe they are jealous and just have to warm up to the idea of you being there" "I guess" he gives me a kiss and lays down again "now sleep babe" I giggle and snuggle close to him "good night love".

And done bishes. Hope you liked it.


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