
116 8 6

Word count: 1087


It's usually less busy around this time as it's around 8pm and it was quiet chilly. Street lights were on illuminating the ground and shop lights were bright so people are able to see it. Cars may be driving by, the sound of engine coming by and fading away.

It's just like every other night, people coming home from work or going out. The usual things around Seoul, though crime rate has been increasing recently, that doesn't make citizens scared either.

"Okay, Hyung! I get it! I'll be home soon.."

A deep voice spoken over the phone, sounding rather frustrated. Even if his frustration is all over his face right now, his beauty is whole different level.

He has a raven coloured hair, even his hair we're covering up his forehead too; he even has a sharp jawline and it could possibly cut someone's hand open. The Male wore a white plain shirt along with a dark blue denim jacket and black skinny jeans. But when he smiles, it could melt someone's heart.

"Hyung, no, I don't need anyone walking me home—especially you and Hoseok Hyung."

Taehyung sighed through his nostrils, pinching the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed. Honestly, he seemed annoyed as the sound of annoyance came from his voice, yet sounding so rude in his response.

His legs was continuing to take him to where he needed to go, though he couldn't help but feeling a little bit cold as it is spring of course and February already went. He would be lying if he said his hands wasn't cold either.

However, the raven haired Male wasn't far from his home now; only around two more blocks and then he's there. He sighed in relief as he just wanted to get inside to the warm right now.

"Yeah. I'm almost home anyways." Taehyung spoken once again over his mobile device which was held by his right ear along with his other hand probing through his pocket, looking for his keys.

Taehyung was about to cross the road until he heard a harsh honking from a car as the headlights were blinding his vision; gazing at the car with his eyes widened and his heart immediately dropped, Taehyung couldn't breath—he felt a pair of hand grabbing his left arm and pulling him back as quick as possible; with a soft male's voice shouting, "Watch out!" And gripping onto his arm tight as possible.

Taehyung couldn't process everything which just happened in that moment, watching the car drove by which almost hit him and the driver could be cursing inside the car too.

"Aish..be more careful.."

The same soft—angelic voice spoken along with a small sigh escaping from his lips and his grip finally set Taehyung free. Taehyung finally caught his breath and his head instantly turned to see the Male who just saved his life.

He didn't realise that the one who just saved him was beautiful, Taehyung's eyes were gazing down at the other's features; his mouth went into an 'o' shape. His heart skipped a beat.

The other had a big doe eyes, darker eye colour and small lips. His skin looked so smooth and his hair, Taehyung couldn't describe how soft it looked. A dark brown fluffy hair which he wanted to touch; the other's forehead was covered by his own hair too, he looked so adorable according to Taehyung. And the both was about the same height.

Taehyung was analysing the other's appearance; the other wore a black plain shirt along with a black hoodie over it as a hood was over his head, he wore black ripped skinny jeans. Taehyung went back to gazing at the other.

"You going to just stand there and stare at me or..?" The other spoken once again, feeling unease due to the fact the Male he saved was staring at him for that long and he began to worry.

"I..uh..." Taehyung finally snapped back into reality and hung up his phone with someone, letting out an awkward chuckle and scratching the back of his head. "Sorry...um.."

In all honesty, Taehyung really didn't know what to say to the guy who just saved him. Judging by his appearance, he looked around the same age or a bit younger than him.

He's so beautiful.

The thought popped into Taehyung's head and clearing his throat as he really did not know what to say. "Thank you..for saving me.. heh." He awkwardly replied back to the other with a shaky voice.

A small bunny smile appeared on the other's lips, though his eyes seemed to be watery. He nodded his head and plopped his hands into his pocket. "Anytime..Watch where you're going next time."

With that said, the boy began to head off to where he was heading to originally and his eyes gazing at the ground as he walked.

Even though the boy was beautiful, Taehyung almost had a heart attack after seeing that cute bunny smile of his! This might as well be him falling in love at a first sight, if that even exists. However, he finally took a second to realise the other was already walking away!

"Wait! Can I at least know your name?!" Shouted Taehyung, who wanted to catch up but couldn't as his legs were stiff after the shock of almost being hit by a car.

The other didn't stop at all, he just kept on walking despite knowing Taehyung wanting to know his name. He couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle either.

"Just someone who saved you, I guess."

The other spoken as he replied back, not bothering to tell him his name as he wouldn't be able to see him again anyways and not bothering to ask for his phone number either as he's just a stranger to him.

But that's what he thought.

Taehyung was watching the other fade away into the distance until he's out of his sight, disappointed that he couldn't get his name or any of his social media either.

Just someone who saved you.

Those words kept on repeating through his head, biting the inner cheek of his until his head hung low and gazing at the ground. Once again, Taehyung chuckled slightly remembering what the boy looked like.

"He's cute.."

He whispered under his breath and began to head back home like he was originally.

But little does they know, they both will cross paths again and sooner than they think.

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