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Summer break, flash forwards.

"Do you know how serious this is, Jungkook? If you don't tell me... we will have to keep you here overnight. I'm sure you don't want that—just tell me, what really happened?" An older voice spoken in such serious tone, staring at the younger across the table who happens to be staring into space with dry tears resting on his cheeks.


"I didn't even have a choice!" Jungkook snapped with fresh tears streaming down his face, "H-He kept on shouting at me! How was I supposed to handle it?!" Panicking, Jungkook barely could breathe under his sobs.

The woman leans forward on her chair, resting her elbow against the table. "Who? Who was shouting at you? You're safe here, Jungkook, we are able to protect you," the woman tried to reassure him.

Jungkook stared up at the police officer, he bitten down onto his lips nervously. "M-my step-dad.." The younger finally spoke out with rather shaky voice.

"P-please... I-I don't want t-to be put in a care home.." Jungkook sobs more, "I-I can't control his anger!"

Shocked, the woman nods her head and began to write notes down on her notepad. "It's okay, we are able to help you in this situation. There's will be a support worker visiting you nearly every week in school, checking up how you're doing," the woman said, seeing the younger fiddle with his thumbs.

"What happened, last night? Why were you on the restricted area? There's an obvious sign on the fence." The woman kept on interrogating him, forcing him to speak up knowing the younger was already sobbing.

Jungkook couldn't handle it, I wanted to do it, he kept on telling himself. He couldn't even handle this interrogation too. "Fine!" Jungkook suddenly stood up in anger, the chair he was sitting on flipped backwards. "I wanted to kill myself! Happy?" He snaps.

The officer eyes widen, her expression softened and nodding her head before noting it down again. "How did you get that cut on your face? Was it your step-father?" She kept on asking, she's not going to let it go that easily.

"I... I don't want to be here anymore.. I want to go home..." Jungkook sobs more, crouching on the ground and gripping onto his hair as he was rocking back then forth.

"P-please... just let me go..."

Present day

Since that small party happened at Namjoon's house and things had been extremely awkward between Jungkook and Taehyung, the younger was thankful for Taehyung not to proceed what could've happened but the whole make out scene was playing in his head which makes everything awkward between the two.

Only a month past since it happened, Jungkook been avoiding him non-stop but that's not the only reason why Jungkook didn't want to be anywhere near him, the anonymous letters, the younger thought.

Sure enough, he thought it was some silly prank from one of the students who knew Jungkook and Taehyung were getting close but turns out it was more than that.

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