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I'm sorry for the slow upload, ever since college started I've been so focused on that and my assignment. I would promise I'll try to upload faster but I'm not really sure about it either but I will try. Thank you all for reading the previous chapters. :)
I also apologise if there's any mistakes in this chapter, in all honesty, I kept on getting writers block even though I've planned it- Logic.

Word count: 5870


Why did I choose to get ready an hour before the party starts? Not to mention is inner circle only which means the seven of us would be at Namjoon hyung's house having a small party. Honestly, I don't know if I could see Taehyung... why does my heart skips so fast whenever he's around? He's so annoying!

This past week, Taehyung has been bothering me; stealing my pens in class, my bag, my phone, etc. Ugh! Why is he like this?! Ever since we...kissed, Taehyung has been teasing me about it.

According to him, I'm a tsundere which isn't true! How am I a tsundere in the first place?! Ugh! He's so unbelievably annoying, I swear one day I will shave off his hair while he's asleep and draw on his face for revenge.

Oh, did I mention a week went by already? Yeah, it went by so fast and I'm here now recording all of this in my cringy diary I somehow still write in. How lame is that?

Not going to lie, I'm nervous about going to Namjoon's party. He said there's going to be alcohol which I'm scared of because of...him. My step father. I..don't want to get in details with that either. Back to the topic, I never even drank alcohol before and what if they try something on me? Or worse, what if Taehyung tries something?

Weirdly enough, I've been getting weird fantasies about him and it's really touchy. Let me say... so much skin happens. I'm too embarrassed by it. For some reason I'm flustered about it. Honestly, I think my emotions are broken. Stop it.

The younger stops writing and slowly closed his blue diary. Jungkook still wonders why he writes in that thing but at the same time he wants to let out his feelings, his thoughts too—Jungkook doesn't trust anyone with it at all.

He closes his eyes and hummed quietly to himself as he sat by his desk on his wooden chair, biting his bottom lips as he was lost in thought. Jungkook felt anxious about attending to this small party, what if it goes wrong? It may be only seven of them but anything could happen.

He shook his head, trying to shrug the thoughts out from his head. Jungkook got up from the chair and made his way over to the wardrobe, looking for clothes to wear. Jungkook didn't want to dress too fancy but he didn't want to dress too casual either, he pouts his lips a little and swiping the clothes hanger to the side.

I really need to update my wardrobe...

Sighing, Jungkook grabs a blue silky buttoned up shirt and black skinny but ripped jeans he have. Throwing off the previous clothes he was wearing, Jungkook puts on the clothes he pointed out. Though, he looks at himself in the mirror and noticed his thighs and butt were showing more in these jeans. Debating whether he should wear it or not.

Realising he didn't have enough time, Jungkook takes off the blue silky shirt, leaving him shirtless but he went back to his wardrobe and grabbing a random black oversized hoodie before throwing it on himself. Now he felt comfortable.

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