
40 3 0

Authors note
Not proofread. I'm sorry for any inaccuracies. :')

Word count: 2650


The time is so slow,

The younger thought to himself as he was getting bored in the class; tapping his pen against the table and burying his left side of his cheeks into his left palm as his elbow leaned against the wooden desk. Jungkook sighed to himself and glanced over at the clock every five seconds, at least it was almost end of this period.

"And that is how the reproduction system works. Any questions?" The teacher raised a brow, turning around to see his students not even paying attention which made him sigh. "Any...questions?" He repeated until one hand popped up from one of the students.

"Yeah. Why do we have to learn this again? We already know how...that works. And we always get taught this every year." The female student complain, brushing along her blonde bangs from her face so her hair doesn't get in the way of her eyesight. "It's getting boring, sir." She added with a sigh.

The teacher rolled his eyes and dropped down into his chair, rubbing his temples. "To remind you kids how it works, Lisa, and it's the topic coming up in your next exams also." He spoken, as if he's exhausted from speaking already. "Anyway, I'll be giving out homework which due on this Friday. It's about how sex works- it's on this sheet. And don't ask why the homework is confusing, the head of science department printed this off and any of you can ask him if you're stuck...or come to me." He announced, rummaging through the pile of papers until he grabbed a certain one.

Jungkook sighed, only few days in and he already gotten homework- not wanting to spend his time on it knowing he has work too, at least it's due on Friday which gave him enough time. He watches the teacher walking to each row, giving students a sheet of paper which had questions on it—squinting his eyes to read the questions, scrunching up his nose then heard the bell rang for lunch.

Getting up from the seat, Jungkook gently tucked the chair under the table and folded the homework sheet in half; about to walk until the same female got into his way on purpose. "Sorry to bother you... you're new right? I never really seen you around here before." The blonde girl spoken, the name supposedly Lisa. Jungkook just nodded his head.

"What's your name?" She simply asked him, analysing his features. Jungkook felt nervous as he caught a glance of her staring at him, immediately looking away and felt weirded out. Can you stop looking at me? It's weird, he spoken in his mind. "...Jeon Jungkook-" just as Jungkook answered, Lisa interrupted him.

"Follow my Instagram account! LalalaLisa!" She said, showing him a friendly smile before turning away and walking out of the classroom. She bothered me and wanting me to follow her? No way. I don't just follow strangers...

Sighing, he was the last one to leave the classroom and shoving the homework into his back pocket after folding it again so it could fit inside his pocket. Jungkook was walking along the hallway alone, thinking to himself about home and how he hated living there. As footsteps appeared out of nowhere behind him, Jungkook shrugged it off and thought he was imagining it.

He took a deep breath until he felt a pair of hands touching both side of his waist, causing him to almost scream and turn around to hit whoever it was until-

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