Chapter 4

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five minutes. if he doesn't come, i'm gonna kick his ass.

where is that guy anyway?

huffing in frustration, i pull out my phone, deciding to message him.

where are you?
you're ten minutes late already!

i put the phone back in my pocket, clearly displeased about the fact that my bestfriend is actually ditching me.

sighing in frustration, i glared at the han river, as if it would help me, i chuckled darkly.

my phone buzzed with a new notification.

i quickly pulled it out, hoping that it was a text from moonbin.

sadly, it's from sojung-unnie

yerin is on her way there.
are dongmin and moonbin there

but for what it's worth,
i'm kicking moonbin's ass when
he gets here.

yes, do that please.

i huffed in amusement. leave it to sojung-unnie to be like this.

my phone buzzed again.

this time, it's from moonbin.

dongmin-hyung's on his
way there.
i'm sorry i couldn't reply
sooner—dongmin hyung's
smart, he'd know that we have
something up our sleeves
if ever i pull out my phone and
text you.

that doesn't matter now.
you coming?

he's suspecting that there's
a surprise if i come along.

oh shoot.
guess i'll just take a photo then.

twigs crack and leaves cackle behind me, and i immediately hid under a bush, seeing that it's yerin-unnie.

five minutes, moonbin.
if dongmin oppa's not here yet,
yerin-unnie's gonna leave.

i'll tell him to go faster.
oof, that came off wrong.

i grinned, not even noticing sojung-unnie behind me.

"moonbin?" i jump, startled. sojung-unnie just laughed at me.

"unnie, you need to stop scaring me!" i hissed, glaring at unnie.

she just laughed again.

my phone lit up and buzzed.

three minutes.

roger that, captain.

"three minutes?" sojung unnie asks, crouching behind the bush. "what does that even mean?"

i shrugged, crouching behind the bush too. "three minutes before dongmin-oppa arrives."

sojung-unnie sighs in relief. "fucking finally."

"my feeling; embracing the scent of the earth,
is pouringly shaking."

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