Chapter 16

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mama 2016.

"yuna-unnie's at the rooftop." i yawned, not really in the mood for some matchmaking right now.

seokmin nodded, "thanks, eunbi... also, do you think she's still mad at me?"

i shrugged, "doesn't seem to be that way. she still loves you—anyway, i gotta go. bye."

i swear, those two definitely need to make up.

but i really want to sleep right now.

and i'm so sleepy that i didn't realize my slip.

on the way back to mine and yewon's shared room, i remembered what i said to seokmin and i bolted, fully awake and ready to spy on them.

i hid behind a vase, and looked at the two of them talking.

"....did take off the feelings." was all i heard when i crouched down.

yuna-unnie looks pale for a reason, and i had to restrain myself from jumping out and make them make up.

"but when i laid my eyes on you again, the feelings came back." i bit my lip. gosh, this is so cheesy and cringe.

confusion fluttered at yuna-unnie's eyes, and i grinned, knowing what seokmin was talking about now.

"and that's when i realized that i really do love you, choi yuna."

i had to resist a squeal from coming out.

five down, one left to go.

"it was fluttering like a bloom of a heat haze."

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