Prologue · Hatchlings

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It all started with a trip to the legendary Jurassic World. I was thirteen at the time, ahead in my classes and looking into colleges. A bit early for a thirteen-year-old, I know, but a thirteen-year-old with high grades and little cash? Applying for as many scholarships as soon as possible was no question.

When I found out about a possible opening at the Park, I sprung at the opportunity. It wasn't going to be much; mainly helping with feeding. The Park was finishing up with some basic construction at the time, so there wouldn't be many chances to see the animals.

And it seemed like high grades could get you a lot more than just a job interview. Apparently, if you earn enough trust, they can get you into places you're not supposed to be.


I ran through the Park, my keycard bouncing around my neck. I had been given it after I had helped out a couple of scientists with an injured Stegosaurus. It wasn't anything too extreme, just a mild flesh wound due to a hole in one of the fences, and my job mainly consisted of holding the tools and muttering bits of advice.

I pushed against the large metal doors, feeling them budge open under my weight. I slipped inside, rushing past the working scientists. A few of them glanced at me, holding their filled trays high enough so I wouldn't bump into them.

"I'm here," I exclaimed, "What's the emergency?" My breathing was heavy as I hunched over, hands on my knees. As much as I loved to run, running from one end of the Park to the other was killer. And having to run as fast as you can due to an emergency call? That was even worse.

"Geez," someone muttered, "how fast did you run?" The voice was unfamiliar, which was surprising, considering how many people I knew from the Park.

My gaze flickered up, my heart rate beginning to slow to its usual pace. I recognized the man before anyone could introduce him. I must have passed him a few times in the Park, because I recognized his face. He was a popular thing to gossip about in the Park; an ex-NAVY soldier turned dinosaur trainer.

"Owen Grady." I said, crossing my arms as I stood up.

"You've heard of me?" Owen smirked, a teasing tone to his voice.

I rolled my eyes, shrugging. "You're the talk of the Park," I admitted, "And to answer your previous question, I run as fast as I need to when I'm called in on an emergency call. So, let me ask again, what's the emergency?"

I walked through the halls, turning the corner to be led into a smaller room. Two nests sat on opposite ends of it; placed neatly on the floor. Four speckled eggs sat in one while a lighter, more gray one, was placed in the other.

"The gray one," I asked, "why is it separated?" I moved towards it, squatting down to get a better look.

"We didn't know if it was going to make it," Owen explained, "And we still don't."

My hand gently traced the egg's shell, careful not to break it. "So, you're my emergency call?" I whispered, transfixed.

"She really shouldn't be that close." A nearby scientist growled. Owen let out a 'shh'ing noise, quieting the woman as he watched my actions. I didn't really care; too distracted by the gray egg sitting neatly in front of me.

I looked over to Owen; he had followed my motions, now sitting on the floor in front of the other nest. There was a soft noise, something like a scratching. It was quiet at first, but built up to a rapid, frenzied clawing. I looked back towards the egg, watching it with wide eyes. A tiny claw tore through the shell, and a small golden eye peered out of the hole.

In that moment, the only thing on my mind was the creature in front of me. I didn't care about the scolding coming from the watching scientists, or the quiet words Owen was muttering. In that moment, it was just me and the small beast.

"Hello lovely." I whispered softly, gently helping the small being out of its former shelter. "Look at you."

One look and I knew what it was; a velociraptor. It had light, almost white, gray scales. Its fierce eyes stared up at me as it cawed happily, attempting to get a feel for its wobbly legs. I held out a finger, smiling happily when the creature nuzzled against it.

"She's taken a liking to you." Owen commented. I smiled, looking over at him. Four little velociraptors were in his lap, all of them trying to get away from each other.

"Yeah, I guess so." I admitted, looking down at the little beast; my little beast. I turned to Owen once more. "What are you naming them?" I motioned to the little raptors.

The man pointed to two of the dinos. "Delta and Echo," He replied, moving to face a third one. "Blue." I rolled my eyes, looking at the creature. A bluish streak lined her sides.

"Original." I commented.

"Well," Owen shot back, crossing his arms. "What about yours?"

The four beasts took the opportunity to jump out of his lap and circle around him, Blue in the lead. I looked down at the little velociraptor in my lap. I thought for a minute, admiring her unique pattern. In the end, I decided something similar to my own name; Smoke.

"You know what?" I asked, a small smile forming on my face. "I think I like Mist.

Smoke (currently under editing)Where stories live. Discover now