Author Note

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"The end of a story is the beginning of many." - Unknown


Unfortunately, we've come to the end of this story. It's a bit bittersweet saying goodbye to these characters, as I had a fantastic time writing about them. But instead of being sad about the end of this, I would much rather end this story on a happy note.

I'd like to thank all of the readers who supported me as I wrote this and kept me motivated to finish it. I would like to thank you all for commenting your thoughts and starting discussions with me. If any of you didn't know already, I try my best to answer every comment and message I receive, as I appreciate your feedback.

I'd also like to say something else. While this may be the end of Izabelle and Mist's story, this is not the end of my stories and writing here on Quotev. I am happy to announce a new story named Major; a MARVEL fanfiction that will be coming out soon! If you liked this story, please comment your thoughts and stay tuned for more.

I have many ideas for the future, and Major is just one of them. Anyways, thank you all again for your support! Buy a dinosaur! (or maybe don't, as I hope this was somewhat educational)

- The Lone Raven

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