7 · Gyrospheres

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"You think they'll have that on the tour?" - Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park (1993)


I outside the Park's hotel, leaning against the wall and fiddling with my ring as I waited for Zach and Gray. They were supposed to be spending the day with their Aunt, but considering how busy the woman was, I had a feeling that wasn't going to happen.


"Hmm?" I hummed, looking up from my phone. "Oh, hey guys." I said, smiling when I noticed Zach and Gray.

"Where's Aunt Claire?" Gray asked, looking around.

"Something came up last minute." I replied, glancing up at Zach's frowning face. "She asked me to spend part of the day with you, but she's going to meet with you guys for lunch. I was thinking we could check out the petting zoo and Mosasaurus tank before meeting up with her, okay?"

Gray's face lit up, and his sad expression was replaced by a large smile. He bounded ahead, not noticing that we hadn't moved.

"Is she really going to meet us for lunch?" Zach asked, his voice quiet.

"I don't know," I admitted, "I'm sorry."

Zach didn't reply, just nodding to himself and muttering something under his breath. Gray turned around, grabbing our hands and dragging us along.

❂ ❂ ❂

Let me just tell you, an entire day rushing around from one exhibit to the next is tiring. Especially when you're with a twelve-year-old who get excited over everything, and a grumpy teenager who just wants to go home. We were currently in line for the Gyrospheres, something that Gray had been bothering me about ever since I made the mistake of mentioning it at the petting zoo.

"So, the proteins and the cell membranes get all mixed up, and they act like a natural preservative." Gray rambled, a small smile on his face. "DNA can survive for a millennia that way."

"You're right." I agreed, smiling. I had knelt down so we were eye level, which made it easier for us to hold a conversation.

"See, even if the amber mines dry up, they'll still have bones to,"

He was cut off by his brother, who let out a growl that sounded somewhat like 'shut up'.

I stood up, resting an arm on Zach's shoulder as I followed his gaze to a group of girls waiting in line in front of us. "What do you think is going to happen from you just staring at them?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Zach blushed, his face turning a deep crimson, like he had forgotten that I was there. I smirked slightly, patting the boy's arm as a new Gyrosphere rolled into place. Zach and Gray got in first, and the door shut behind me as I settled into my seat. As the machine rolled forward I smiled, closing my eyes and leaning back in my seat.

I looked out the glass, watching the empty fields. "That's weird." I muttered, mostly to myself.

"Due to technical difficulties, all our exhibits are now closed. Please disembark all rides and return to the resort."

I raised an eyebrow, looking at the screen in front of me in surprise. Technical difficulties? It was rare that something broke down and if it did, only that one ride was shut down; not the entire Park. I was pulled away from my thoughts by the sound of Zach's voice.

"Come on, we can stay out a couple more minutes."

"They said it was closed." Gray replied, shaking his head.

"Aunt Claire gave us special wristbands, right? We're VIP, dude." Zach retorted, holding up his wrist before motioning to me. "Plus, with her by our side, how much trouble are we going to get in?"

Gray glanced in my direction and I rolled my eyes. "Famous last words." I mumbled, sinking deeper into my seat.

Zach steered the Gyrosphere off the path, a cheeky smile on his face as four large beasts came into view. "See?" He asked, looking proud of himself. "You're welcome. Up close and personal with four dinosauruses."

"Ankylosaurus." I corrected, rolling my eyes. It was clear that Gray was more knowledgeable about dinosaurs than his brother.

"And there's five." Gray added. When his brother looked over at him, puzzled, the boys began counting. "One, two, three, four, five."

When he said the last number I sat up, eyes wide. "Shit." I exclaimed, realizing what the large creature was. "Indominus, go!"

Zach scrambled for the controls, only to be knocked away as an Ankylosaurus fell to the ground. Her tail whipped around wildly, catching the Gyrosphere and pushing it away, the vehicle rolling upside down.

"We're safe in here, right?" Gray asked nervously.

"Yeah." I lied, attempting to keep my cool. "Totally safe."

Zach looked down, his eyes wide. "What?" I hissed, noticing his expression. He continued looking down, and I followed his gaze. There, against the glass, was Zach's phone, which was starting to ring. The boy reached an arm out, desperate to grab the device.

"Zach?" Gray asked, voice shaking.

"Yeah?" His brother answered, looking up for a second.

There, in all her deadly glory, stood the Indominus Rex. She let out a loud roar, before placing her sharp teeth onto the Gyrosphere. I frantically reached for my boot, whipping out the pocket knife I usually kept in there.

"How long have you had that?" Zach asked, staring at me in shock.

"Shut up!" I hissed, slashing through my buckles in a quick movement; before helping the boys with theirs.

The three of us scrambled out of the Gyrosphere, making it out seconds before it shattered in the Indominus' jaws. I ran as fast as I could, Gray and Zach close behind me, legs burning with fear and adrenaline. I skidded to a stop, just before I could fall over the cliff edge. I looked down, sighing in relief was I saw water. I took a few steps back, readying myself for a running start.

"It's just like that trip last summer." I told myself, smiling softly at the memory. Some of the park employees and I had gone swimming after a long day of work, where I was able to show off some moves I had learned years ago.

I started running, jumping when I got to the edge. I flew through the air, doing a small flip to lift my mood, before crashing into the water. It was cold, but I held my breath when I got to the bottom. Two more splashes came from my left, and when I rose back to the surface, I saw it was the two boys.

"You dive?" Zach asked, clearly noticing the flip I had done.

"Kinda." I admitted, looking up to watch the edge. I shook my head, shaking myself out of my thoughts. "Come on, we gotta keep moving if we don't want to be chased by that thing."

Smoke (currently under editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora