11 · Field Tests Gone Wrong

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"Clever girl." - Robert Muldoon, Jurassic Park (1993)


I rode my bike next to Owen, occasionally looking ahead to the raptors. Mist had stayed in the back by us, and I had a feeling she wanted to stay as close to me as possible. Honestly, it was a bit comforting knowing that she was so close in case anything went wrong.

"They're slowing down." Barry announced, looking over at Owen and I.

"They've got something." Owen replied, slowing his bike to a stop. Barry and I followed suit behind him, watching the raptors with curious eyes.

The three of us, and all the InGen soldiers, held our breath as a familiar and terrifying beast walked out of the thick jungle cover. The Indominus. I sucked in a breath as my thoughts drifted back to the Gyrosphere incident, wincing slightly. It didn't matter how scared everyone else was, they hadn't been trapped in there as the white beast's jaws clamped down on the glass.

The Indominus leaned down to look at the raptors, soft chittering noises escaping from her.

"Something's wrong," Barry said, looking at the scene in shock. "I think they're communicating."

"I know why they wouldn't tell us what it's made of." Owen continued, watching in disbelief.

My eyes widened at his words, staring at the large creature in shock. "No way," I breathed, "It's part raptor."

The raptors looked back at us as I processed the newfound information, the facts still bouncing around in my mind. It pained me to see Mist and the others looking at me like that, questioning either or not I was actually on their side. I shook my head softly, silently wishing for Mist to trot back to my side.

"What's taking so long?" Hoskins barked, his loud voice ringing over the comms. "Light it up, engage!"

The next seconds were a blur, the only noise yelling and gunshots. There was a flash of light and a loud crash, startling me out of my thoughts. The Indominus was scrambling to stand, the trees around her ablaze. The fire didn't seem to bother her however, as she ran past the flames into the dense jungle.

"Iz, you okay?" Someone asked.

Owen was next to me, looking at me in concern. I forced myself to nod, words unable to form, and watched as the man rode off. "Watch your six," he yelled, "raptors got a new alpha."

"To the vehicles," one soldier yelled, "fall back!"

I looked back, scoffing as I watched the frightened men run to the trucks and drive off. It wasn't in disgust, rather but shock. They were trained professionals after all, which made me upset that they were running like chickens with their heads cut off. Chickens trapped with the fox.


I whipped around to look at Owen, watching as he revved his engine; catching the attention of the raptor. "Go help Barry!" He yelled, looking over at me.

I nodded, getting off my bike and hurrying over to where Barry was trapped in a nearby log. I held out a hand, helping the man out as Owen and Blue sped away.

"You okay?" Barry asked, his eyes full of concern. "You look like a deer caught in headlights."

"I'm fine, don't worry." I replied, waving a hand. "Just a bit shocked, that's all."

"Go," Barry motioned to my motorcycle, "catch up with Owen; make sure he doesn't make any bad decisions."

"I'll try." I replied, chuckling to myself as I swung a leg over the machine. "Get to the evacuation point and we'll meet you there. Are you sure you'll be okay?" Barry nodded, flashing a smile. I sighed, before speeding off into the jungle.

As I turned onto the road, a staticky message came across my radio. "Iz, it's Owen." It hissed, barely loud enough for me too hear it over the motorcycle's engine. "We're heading to the control room. Meet us there and watch out for the raptors."

"Roger that." I answered, changing direction. One of the best things about being able to wander the park, you tend to find shortcuts.

❂ ❂ ❂

I parked my motorcycle barely seconds after Owen and Dearing pulled in. They both sighed in relief at the sight of me, Claire pulling me into a hug. Owen walked to the back of the van as the woman looked me over, helping the boys out.

"Are you okay," the woman asked, "we were so worried."

"I'm fine." I lied, trying to keep myself from shaking.

I had always known that a field test with the raptors wouldn't go over well, but I wasn't expecting so much... death. Owen placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and I relaxed slightly, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"You're bleeding." Zach pointed out, his voice filling with shock as he jumped out of the van.

I looked at my arm, finally noticing the wound. Three claw marks, the perfect size to be a raptor. One of them must have nicked me when I wasn't paying attention; too high on adrenaline to realize what was going on.

"There should be a first aid kit in the front." I said, wincing as I jumped into the back of the van.

Claire nodded, grabbing the kit from the front and handing it to me with shaking hands. I flashed a smile, trying to calm her nerves, but I had a feeling that it was a failed attempt.

Dearing was the most nervous of all of us, occasionally asking if Owen and I needed help. Every time we waved her off. Zach was pacing the length of the van, while Gray sat nearby in silence. As Owen helped bandage my arm, Claire fiddled with her phone, attempting to find proper service.

"Lines are down," I said, hissing slightly as I jumped down from the back. "We're lucky the radios are still working.

"We have to see who's left." Owen muttered, looking at the doors to the control room.

Claire nodded, standing up straighter. "Let's go."

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