9 · The Boardwalk

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"Call the mainland. Tell them to send the damn helicopters." - Dr. Alan Grant, Jurassic Park (1993)


"Ladies and gentlemen, due to a containment anomaly, all guests must take shelter immediately."

"Containment anomaly, my ass." I grumbled, sliding out of the old Jeep.

"We gotta get inside!" Zach replied, yelling over the screaming crowd.

"Wait!" I whipped around, surprised to see Zara. "Don't just stand there!"

She barely had time to finish her sentence before sharp claws wrapped around her shoulders. She was tossed into the air, her scream echoing as she was throw from pterodactyl to pterodactyl. The boys and I rushed over to the rail, watching in horror as the woman was dropped into the ocean. I covered Gray's eyes as a large shadow became visible in the water; the Mosasaurus.

As if to answer my question, the large sea monster leapt out of the water, closing it's fierce jaws on both Zara and the pterodactyl above her. Zach cringed, turning his head away. I couldn't help but wince as well.

"Gray! Zach!" The three of us turned, happy to hear a familiar voice. Dearing stood on a fallen stand, Owen next to her.

"Aunt Claire!" Gray yelled, rushing forward; his brother close behind him.

I smiled to myself, starting after them as I felt a sharp pain in my back. I tumbled to the ground, muttering curses under my breath as I rolled onto my back. A small pterodactyl sat on my chest, pecking its sharp beak close to my face. I whipped out my pocket knife, only to have it clatter out of my reach as I attempted to fend off the tiny pterodactyl. A single gunshot rang out and I froze; surprised by the sudden bang. I glanced down at the pterodactyl and quickly pushed it off as I scrambled to stand, not wanting its blood on me.

"Are you okay?" Owen asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Better now." I admitted, still shaking. I had only ever worked with Pterodactyls once during my time at the Park, and I had forgotten how nasty they were.

To my surprise, Owen pulled me into a hug. I sighed in relief, hugging him back. Another set of arms wrapped around me and I looked up, a little shocked to see Claire.

"Hey," I chuckled, my voice slightly muffled. "As nice as this is, we gotta go."

"She's right." Owen admitted, smiling.

The two adults stepped back, laughing slightly to themselves. They led the boys and I to the waiting car, chatting softly. I caught Zach's eye and I flashed a sarcastic smile, a warning rolling off my tongue.

"Not a word."

❂ ❂ ❂

The five of us sat in the back of Dearing's car as she drove us back to the raptor paddock. She was on the phone with Vivian and Lowery in Control, occasionally muttering things barely enough loud for me to hear.

"What do you mean 'use the raptors'?" She asked at one point, sounding puzzled.

"Son of a bitch!" Owen snarled, hitting the dash. "I'm gonna punch him."

"You shouldn't say 'bitch.'" Gray commented, crossing his arms.

I laughed slightly, leaning over to ruffle the boy's hair. He smiled up at me, not noticing the dark look in my eyes.

I jumped out of the car, a dark expression on my face. Owen had a similar one of his.

"Can we stay with you?" Gray asked, looking around nervously.

"I am never leaving you again for as long as I live." Claire replied, pulling her nephews into a hug.

Zach shook his head lightly, before motioning to Owen and I. "No, them."

"Yeah," Gray agreed, "Definitely them."

"The mother hens have finally arrived!" Hoskins exclaimed as he noticed us, a cheeky smile on his face.

Owen started walking towards him, but I quickly held out a hand. The man stopped in his tracks, raising an eyebrow as I took a step forward. The second Hoskins was in reach, I punched him square in the jaw.

"Stay the hell away from them." I snarled, hearing the boys groan behind me.

"Jesus!" Hoskins exclaimed, holding his face. "How many more people have to die before this mission starts to make sense to you?"

"It's not a mission." Barry corrected, seemingly appearing out of nowhere to stand next to me. "It's a field test."

"This is an InGen situation now." Hoskins replied, crossing his arms. "There are going to be cruise ships here at first light. Everybody's gonna get off this island. Tomorrow, you're gonna watch a news story about how you all saved lives. Better yet, how your animals saved lives!"

"They've never been out of containment." I said, turning to look back at Owen. "It's crazy."

Owen stayed silent, watching as Hoskins turned back to his workers. "Let's move it out!" He yelled, looking back at us. "This is happening, with or without you."

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