2 · Trust & Questions

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"It's a velociraptor." - Henry Wu, Jurassic Park (1993)


I looked through the gate, watching with wide eyes as the worker was cornered by the raptors. Owen ran over to the gate, pressing the red button that controlled it, and readied himself to run in. I rushed forward without thinking, sliding under it as it began it open.

"Izabelle!" Owen yelled, looking on in shock as he stepped forward. Barry held him back, knowing how dangerous it would be for both of us to be in the paddock.

"Don't shoot!" I yelled, holding up my hands as I glared up at the guards staring down at me; their guns aimed at the raptors. "Put twelve amps in these animals and they're never gonna trust us again." Mist curled around me as I glanced over at where Owen and Barry stood next to the gate; concerned looks on their faces. I followed their gaze, holding out a hand just before Blue could lunge.

"Stand down, Blue." I ordered, a slight edge to my voice. "Stand down." The raptor let out a growl, which was met with a similar one from Mist. "I see you, Delta." I hissed, taking a few steps backward. "Back up." Mist and I worked our way over to the gate, where Barry pulled the frightened worker inside. "Good girl, Charlie. Stay right there."

"Mist," I muttered, looking back at the raptor. "Out."

My words were met with surprised looks, especially from the fallen worker and Hoskins. Despite the wide eyes, Mist hurried out of the paddock; joining the three men in the smaller section. I rushed out after her, rolling under the gate just before it slammed shut.

Owen rushed to my side, helping me stand, his eyes full of concern. "You're the new guy, right?" I asked, looking at the still-terrified worker as I slipped Mist's halter onto her head.

"Yeah," he admitted, "I'm Leon."

"Ever wonder why there was a job opening?" Owen asked, smirking. I shot the man a glare, punching him in the arm; the poor guy was scared enough already.

"Iz Smoke." I said, holding out a hand as Owen walked over to Barry and Hoskins. As he got back to his feet, I took Mist's lead. "Hey," I muttered, looking back at where Blue was pressed against the gate. "No matter what, don't ever turn your back on the cage."

❂ ❂ ❂

I leaned against my motorcycle, fiddling with a rag. "God, you should've seen his face!" Owen exclaimed, smiling. "I mean, it was completely reckless, but Hoskins' reaction was priceless!"

"Glad to hear the things you've scolded me for in the past are making you proud." I muttered.

"Scolded you for?" Owen repeated, seemingly puzzled by my words. "What the hell did I 'scold' you about?"

I opened my mouth to reply, only to be cut off by the sound of a nearby car. It turned off the road, parking not that far away. And when the driver stepped out, I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Claire Dearing.

"What do they want now?" Owen grumbled, crossing his arms. I crouched down, turning back to my bike's engine, and putting in my earbuds. Whatever the meaning of this visit was, I wasn't that interested. When anyone from the park's headquarters came, if was usually for Owen anyways.

"It's all about control with you! I don't control the raptors, it's a relationship. It's based on mutual respect. You know, that's why you and I never had a second date."

I took out an earbud, looking back over my shoulder. What the hell was Owen talking about?

"Excuse me," Dearing hissed, crossing her arms. "I never wanted a second date."

"Who prints an itinerary for a night out?" Owen exclaimed.

"I am an organized person." The woman retorted.

I rolled my eyes, stopping my music and taking out my other earbud. Owen opened his mouth to speak, but I quickly stood up, cutting him off. "Enough," I snarled, "You two are acting like children. You're goddamn adults, so why don't you take a breath and start acting like it?"

Dearing nodded to herself, realizing how far they had gotten off topic. "She's right," the woman admitted, "Can we focus on the asset, please?"

"The 'asset'?" Owen repeated, letting out a scoff.

"Grady." I hissed, shaking my head. The man looked over at me, an unreadable expression on his face. I only ever called him by his last name when I was annoyed with him, and I had a feeling he got my point.

"Listen," Dearing sighed, "I didn't come here to pick a fight. In fact, I came here to talk to her."

"Me?" I asked, a confused look on my face as I pointed to my chest. "What do you need me for?" Dearing smiled sweetly as she turned to me, only making me more confused.

"Well," she began, "You see, my nephews are coming to visit this week, and Zara can't watch them while I'm working, so I was wondering..."

"If I could watch them for you." I finished her sentence, scoffing as I turned back to my motorcycle. "I'm not going to babysit your nephews for you."

"Oh, come on!" Dearing pleaded. "You're not babysitting them, promise. All you have to do is stay by their sides and keep them out of trouble."

"You want her to stay out of trouble?" Owen asked, smirking. "That'll be tough."

Dearing and I turned around at the same time, shooting Owen a glare. The woman turned back to look me in the eyes. "Please, Izabelle?" She asked, sighing. "I'll pay you double."

"Fine." I agreed, sighing. As much as I didn't want the job, I wouldn't mind some extra cash for parts.

Dearing sighed a breath of relief, before pulling me into a hug. I let out a small gasp, surprised by her actions. "Thank you so much." The woman beamed, taking a step back. She was still smiling as she began to walk to her car.

"How old?" I called after her, brushing back a loose strand of hair.

Dearing stopped in her tracks, as if she was surprised to hear the question. "I think one of them is around your age." She muttered, barely loud enough for me to hear.

"Think?" I repeated to myself, scoffing. I glanced over at Owen, who just shook his head and shrugged. I let out a sigh; tomorrow was going to be a long day

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