10 · Planning

511 12 1

"That's why we're taking extreme precautions." - John Hammond, Jurassic Park (1993)


"We know that she's in Sector Five," Owen explained, pointing to the map in front of him. "This is a game we call 'hide-and-seek'. We've done it a thousand times with these animals. When they get on target, and they will get on target, wait to engage."

"Velociraptors are pack hunters." I added, watching as the soldiers' attention shifted from Owen to me. "They like to heard the animal into a kill zone."

"That's when we take our shot," Owen nodded, "Get a clear shot, wait on our command, and give her everything you got. We have one good target, gentlemen."

"One more thing. Whatever you do, do not shoot the raptors." I glanced over at Owen. "Please."

I stood next to Mist, stroking her muzzle as Owen calmed Blue. "Easy girl," he muttered, "attagirl, you don't scare me." I smiled slightly, knowing how similar Mist and I's relationship was the Owen and Blue's.

"The raptors operate kinda like a wolf pack, right?" Gray asked, walking over to us. Owen and I both nodded, smiling at each other. "So who's the alpha, then?"

"You're looking at him, kid." Owen replied, smiling proudly.

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. "Actually," I corrected, "there's always a male and female alpha in a pack, and no offense to the girls, but I don't think any of them have that sort of mentality."

"You're not wrong." Owen admitted, chuckling to himself. He leaned over to ruffle my hair, before answering more of Gray's questions.

I leaned against my motorcycle, fiddling with my ring as I waited for Owen and Barry. An InGen soldier walked over to me, a metal bracelet in his hands. Even if I hadn't noticed the similar one around his meaty left arm, I would've of recognized it immediately. I had seen the tech a couple of times when I visited the lab, but this would be the first time I actually saw it in action.

I reluctantly held out a hand, wincing slightly as the cold metal snapped around my wrist. I rubbed at it absentmindedly as the soldier hurried away.

"Nice motorcycle."

I turned around, surprised to see Zach and Gray walking towards me. "Shouldn't you be with your Aunt?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "I have a feeling she doesn't want you guys with us."

"She's talking to Owen," Gray replied, "Everything's gonna be okay, right?"

I knelt down to his height, a small but uncertain smile on my face. "Hey, I just spent an entire day with you.
I said, placing my hands gently on his shoulders. "You know more about dinosaurs than most of the soldiers here. And just between us, I think you're a lot braver. If we can't stop the Indominus, I put my faith in you." Gray smiled, pulling me into a hug. I gasped in surprise, before wrapping my arms tightly around him.

"Please be safe," he whispered, "I think Zach would be more heartbroken then me."

I chuckled to myself and pulled away, ruffling Gray's hair as I flashed Zach a smile. The boy smiled back, but I could tell it was forced.

"Be good for your Aunt, okay?" I said. Gray nodded, before running off to find Claire. I stood up, turning my attention to Zach. He stepped forward, the nervous smile still on his face.

"You sure you're gonna be okay?" He asked, shifting his weight.

"I'll be fine," I retorted, "Promise." I swung a leg over my bike as I noticed Barry and Owen walking over, chatting softly. "Take care of Gray for me, okay?"

Zach looked slightly taken aback for a moment, before nodding happily. "You got it," he replied, "see you in a bit." He walked off to find his brother, a goofy smile on his face.

"Yeah," I muttered to myself, starting my motorcycle. "See you in a bit."

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