I'll Be There

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Chapter One

February 14th, 1979 4 P.M.

Geneva, Switzerland

Michael's POV

" Boy, your mother wants to talk to you on the phone. " Joseph states sticking his head into my suite.

I put the song I've been working on to the side and go to walk past him before he grabs my arm. " You have five minutes boy, then it's to the arena for soundchecks understand? " He asks in the cold tone I've come to expect from my " father ".

" Yes, Joseph. " I say dully before hurrying to the phone. " Good morning mother. Is Bianca okay? "

Hello son, of course, she's okay. I  need to talk to you about her though... I just got off of the phone with Jamie.

I rub my face and groan. " I'm not dealing with her right now mother. "

She just wants to take Bianca to the beach for the weekend. I think it will be good for both of them.

My mother is only trying to help I know this... I just don't feel comfortable. Bianca has never been alone with Jamie. Therefore she will not be comfortable with her either.

" No. Absolutely not. Especially when I'm out of the country. " I say adamantly.

Oh, Michael, I know you worry, but Jamie is her mother. Don't you want Bianca to have her mother?

Groaning I rub my face in irritation. " Yes, mother I know that she's her mother... I also know that she signed papers that say I have full parental rights. "

I just don't understand why you don't trust her with Bianca. It's just one weekend at the beach.

" I don't trust her period! I don't know what her motives are for suddenly wanting to be in her life. Let us not forget what she wanted to do when she found out she was pregnant. " I say not caring if it's fair to Jamie or not.

People change Michael. She has grown and matured. Maybe she's ready to be a mother and give Bianca a stable life while you're out touring. It's not good for her to only have me and your sisters.

Why? " I only trust you and my sisters with her. I know it's a burden but I'm really trying to make something great of my name... For you, her, and the rest of my future family. I won't let Jamie mess that up. "

Michael, please...

I hate it when she uses that tone. She knows I can't say no when she does this. "One-weekend mother. One. And I want it to be supervised by Lance or no deal. I want to know exactly what's going on while my child is in her care. "

It's not ideal, but I'll make it work. I'll call Jamie right now and let her know when to pick her up.

" No, you let her know when she'll be dropped off and get the address. " I demand in a very Joseph like tone.

Excuse me? What did I just hear coming from my own son? "

I've really done it now. Let be honest I was pushing it from the beginning. " I'm sorry mother, " I say trying to soothe the burn of her son being rude, " but this is my daughter. I'm not there and I need to know exactly what's going on and that she's sticking to her routine. "

I was going to berate you for talking to me like that, but I'm realizing more and more just how much of a good father you are Michael. What has you so worried about her being with Jamie?

My mother always knows exactly the right questions to ask to get me to spill my guts. " What if... What if she goes and doesn't want to come back? "

Now look who's being silly. That little baby loves her daddy more than anything. To her, you hung the moon and make the stars shine specifically for her. You don't have to worry about where you rank in her life, Michael. Just keep being the great father you are. Now go, before Joseph gets impatient. I love you.

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