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((This is a sequel to my one-shot collection Limelight, about my characters for the background zombies (BGZ), which is still ongoing, so make sure you've at least read the chapters involving Alonzo, Zephyr, Zach, Roz and maybe Rizzo!))

The "future fic" begins! And unlike Tattooed Mistakes, this Zephzo angst is actually canon! (as in on my canon timeline that runs through most of my fics) I'm going to try and get chapter 1 done in just a few days or so and then it'll be weekly updates from then on

Watch the trailer for this fic edited by Kokinu09 here:

Prologue theme songs: High School Never Ends by Bowling For Soup and Pictures by Emma Blackery


~ We're too busy having fun for anything to destroy what I have with my boy ~


"Four years, you'd think for sure that's all you've got to endure..."

Alonzo Morgan was doing what he did best – singing his heart out to his friends at a zombie mash. This time, however, was different. This would most likely be their last zombie mash. For some time, at least. And, for some time, it might even be the last time Bowling For Zoup played together.

"All the total dicks, all the stuck-up chicks, so superficial, so immature! Then when you graduate, you take a look around and you say-"

Zephyr, Zach and Roz shouted from behind him, "Hey, wait!"

He couldn't help but grin at how enthusiastic they sounded. Almost as enthusiastic as he sounded. Graduation had come and gone. He was done with high school, and he was heading off into the world.

"This is the same as where I just came from, I thought it was over!"

The human world.

"Oh, that's just great...!" Zephyr delivered his line so perfectly that Alonzo laughed, turning to lock eyes with him as he playfully smirked back. Zeph winked at him and Al's face flushed. Almost three years later and it still gave him chills. But he didn't have time to drool over his boyfriend now – he had a song to perform.

"The whole damn world is just as obsessed with who's the best dressed and who's having sex! Who's got the money, who gets the honeys, who's kinda cute and who's just a mess! And you still don't have the right look, and you don't have the right friends. Nothing changes but the faces, the names and the trends... high school never ends!"

Despite the craziness going on around him, there were hundreds of thoughts going through Alonzo's head in that moment. Surprising for him, perhaps, but there really were.

Things had changed so much in the last three years – there were no uniforms anymore, though most zombies did still prefer darker, customised clothing, curfew now just prohibited them from leaving Zombie Town after dark, and their Z-bands had been continuously updated until they were pretty much the same as smartphones.

The most recent change was the long-awaited announcement that zombies would be permitted to leave Seabrook without humans needing to escort them. Under certain conditions, of course. There were specific reasons for leaving, and living outside of, Seabrook that zombies would have to apply for. If a zombie's reason wasn't permitted by the city council, they would have to stay. Luckily, leaving for education was acceptable. Encouraged, even. They would have to have their Z-band logged into a new system so that they could be tracked, to some degree, by the patrol and any warnings or other activity would be recorded and monitored.

Since We Broke Up (A Limelight Sequel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora