Chapter 7

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This is a long one. This chapter is sort of a transition between act 2 (Life Apart) and act 3 (Repairing Relationships)

Chapter 7 theme songs: Instead by Emma Blackery, The Story Of Us, I Almost Do and Teardrops On My Guitar by Taylor Swift, Envy by Bowling For Soup and (I Guess I) Miss You from the Spongebob Musical


~ I can't say hello to you and risk another goodbye ~


Jay and Lizzy had been shocked to find out what happened with Trisha a few weeks ago, but Alonzo had asked them not to bring it up once he'd explained everything. He was set on performing alone. Both of them offered to take Trisha's place but in the end, neither of them had auditioned in time, so there was no way they'd be allowed to do it.

Trisha kept her distance, but Jay and Lizzy would sometimes spot her around. Whenever they caught her eye, she would jump and look down guiltily. They agreed not to speak to her, though. Alonzo had been their friend first, and besides, Trisha should have known better. Alonzo himself never seemed to notice her but then again, between getting ready for the music festival and working on assignments, Al wasn't really paying much attention to anything else. Certainly not Trisha.


It was the night before the music festival and Zephyr, Zach and Roz had just arrived in town. Most of the out-of-town acts were staying in the same hotel nearby and for three zombies, even a pretty cheap place like this was a big deal. They had gone most of their lives never even seeing a hotel in real life, stuck in Zombie Town as they were. Now that they actually had the chance, Zephyr was too riddled with anxiety to enjoy it.

"Hey," Zach clapped a hand on his shoulder and he jumped, "Just remember the plan. I'm gonna meet up with him tomorrow to hang out. I'll talk about you a little, test the water, see where he's at with everything. He'll be watching our set on Saturday and if it all works out, you can track him down after that easy."


It was simple enough. And Zephyr had even picked some songs to perform that might get Al's attention, and hopefully even remind him of what they used to have. Catalyst was on the list, of course, along with Epiphany, Ridiculous and Envy. He didn't feel like that was enough to convince him, though.

The next morning, the three of them were up early (much to Roz's annoyance) and on their way to the park not far from Alonzo's college campus where the music festival was being held. They were getting some odd looks from the humans already gathering there, either setting up for the event or just arriving early, but that was nothing they weren't used to. For a while, they were just wondering around, watching a few of the first acts to get a feel for things, until Zephyr stopped dead in his tracks when a flash of green and grey caught his eye.

It wasn't Alonzo himself that made Zephyr freeze, though. It was the human girl behind him, with the long, dark hair, and the concerned and pleading expression on her face, and the hand reaching out for his arm as he was striding along a few steps ahead of her. Every now and then, he would briefly look back at her and say something, always frowning or rolling his eyes or scoffing.

Roz and Zach stopped only a second or two after him, but by then, Zephyr had shaken himself out of it and started walking again. Roz was first to follow him with Zach catching up after them.


He barely even turned around, "What?" It was obvious he was trying to pretend nothing had happened.

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