Chapter 2

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... Not much to say. I'm breaking up Zephzo. You knew it was coming. You saw the title. I'm breaking up my Fav Boys

Chapter 2 theme songs: A-hole by Bowling For Soup, It's Over from The Cheetah Girls 2 and Forever & Always by Taylor Swift


~ I go round and round and round in my head, wanting to take back whatever I said ~


A stunned silence filled the room. Neither Alonzo nor Zephyr could believe the words still hanging in the air.

It's over!

The look on Al's face pained Zephyr to his very core, yet he couldn't find his voice in all the guilt and regret already stirring inside him. He was staring at him, eyes wide, his lips parted in shock, so lost and betrayed. Then his whole demeanour changed, hardening as he frowned and his jaw locked. When Al realised Zephyr wasn't going to say anything, not even a simple 'I'm sorry', he stepped back.

"Fine," he spat, blinking away the tears threatening to show, "If you wanna end this over something so stupid, at least now I can leave Seabrook with nothing holding me back."

He turned to go.

Stop him.

He didn't.

Say something!

He couldn't.

Alonzo walked right out the door and Zephyr wasn't doing anything about it. He stood there, stunned by his own words, as he listened to Al's footsteps hurriedly descending the staircase and the front door flying open. It didn't close, though. He waited for a few seconds; maybe he wouldn't leave. Maybe he'd come back up, even just to yell at him. At least it would mean he wasn't leaving. But the house was silent.

Oh, dear Z, Zephyr thought, What did I just do?

He slowly sank down to sit on the corner of his bed.


Rizzo was approaching the house as the front door swung open and Alonzo hopped off the porch, eager to get away as fast as possible. She stopped in her tracks at the look on his face, a shockingly uncharacteristic mix of angry and heartbroken.

"Oh, my Z, Al, what happened? Are you OK?"

He barely acknowledged her. He kept moving in the opposite direction, not even looking at her, "Why don't you ask your brother?"

He said the word 'brother' with such disdain, Rizzo went from concerned to scared. She turned to the door, which was still hanging open, then briefly glanced back at Al as he disappeared around the corner, before she hurried inside and closed the door behind her. She went straight for the stairs.

"Zephyr?" she called out to no response, "Zephyr?!" But as she got closer to his room, she heard the unmistakable sound of crying. The door was cracked just a bit and she cautiously pushed it open, peeking around to assess the damage before she walked in.

Zephyr was sitting on his bed, his back to the wall, his knees drawn to his chest and his face hidden in his folded arms. With a soft gasp, Rizzo stepped inside and his head snapped up in surprise. Fresh tears were dripping down his cheeks.

"Oh, my baby...!" she all but ran over to him, climbed onto the bed and pulled him into a hug, "What's wrong? I just saw Alonzo storming outta the house and, I mean, it's Al, he doesn't storm anywhere! What happened?"

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