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And thus, Since We Broke Up AKA the future fic comes to a close...! I did end up deciding that this is canon to my ZOMBIES fic timeline, so after everything in Limelight, however long that goes on for, this breakup and makeup will happen. And I think I'm quite happy with thatLimelights will be returning very soon, as will Beyond The Barrier, and the bonus chapter of Tattooed Mistakes is now in the works~

Epilogue theme songs: You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home from the Hannah Montana movie, Friends O' Mine by Bowling For Soup and When You Got A Good Thing by Lady Antebellum


~ We saw the world and the world seemed smaller ~


Zephyr: happy birthday, zrugra! can't wait for tomorrow ;)

What a perfect wake-up call.

Al looked down at his Z-band with a sleepy smile and sat up. That text was quickly followed by ones from his mom and Zach, then as he was getting dressed a few more came from Roz, Bonzo, Keira, Mackenzie, Diaz and Bree.

It was his nineteenth birthday, which meant it was time for him to return to Zombie Town for his Z-band maintenance check. He was born in the afternoon so the check could wait till the next day, and seeing as he had an important recital that day, that was a good thing. But his license would still be expiring that night, so he would have to be back within Seabrook before midnight.

This would be the first time Al saw Zephyr in person since they got back together.

Christmas had been complicated. Al couldn't quite afford the trip back home. Plus, it was only a couple of weeks after the music festival and he had work to catch up on that he'd neglected. Jay and his boyfriend had invited him to spend the winter break with them, which had been fun, but due to monthly limitations, Zeph couldn't even get licensed to come back so soon and Al ended up feeling like a third wheel. His mom and sister had managed to visit, at least, though. Valentine's Day wasn't much more than a week before Al's birthday, so they agreed to just wait it out.

Jay and Lizzy insisted on doing something together for his birthday before he left, even just for a couple of hours, so once he was done with the recital and classes for the day, the three of them would be going out. Afterwards, Alonzo would be heading back to Seabrook.

In his excitement, Al had gotten up earlier than usual and decided to use the extra time to actually have breakfast instead of maybe snacking on something on the way to class. The kitchen down the hall was relatively quiet, with only one or two other early risers dropping in to grab something as Al fried some bacon. Without any proper zombie food, he needed to rely on meat to keep his cravings down.

He took a seat and reopened the first text from Zephyr to read again as Jay entered the kitchen. Al didn't even look up, just returned his quick 'hey' and continued to smile giddily down at the screen as he thought about what was to come the next day.

"What does 'zrugra' mean?" Jay asked and Al jumped, snatching his arm back when he realised his roommate was looking over his shoulder.

"Uh, could you maybe not read my private texts from my boyfriend?" he tried to sound accusing but failed, unable to keep from smiling.

Jay smirked and held up his hands in defence as he stepped back, "Hey, I just happened to catch sight of one little word and I was curious!" he explained, "So what does it mean?"

Al closed the message just to be safe, "'Attractive', basically," he said, leaning across the counter, "Like, 'beautiful', 'handsome', 'gorgeous'. 'Hot'," he grinned and straightened up again, "It does mean 'delicious' as well, though. So take that however you want."

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