Alternate Ending

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Finally, here is the non-canon ending! This fits in after chapter 5 of the story. I got this idea out of nowhere when I was halfway through writing Since We Broke Up but 1. I had already plotted out the whole story, 2. it felt like it would resolve the drama too fast and 3. it didn't feel like a solid enough ending with enough happening. But I decided to write it anyway! :D The very end of it still feels not quite right but it's enough just for a bonus thing, at least

The "bonus chapter" for Tattooed Mistakes looks like it's turning into more of a sequel, albeit a much shorter one, so get ready for some angst when that finally comes out!

Alternate ending theme songs: I Ran (So Far Away) and Scope by Bowling For Soup and Somewhere Love Remains by Lady Antebellum


~ I ran so far away, couldn't get away~


He never actually bothered to log out.

Alonzo had uploaded his goodbye video a couple of weeks ago, and he was spending most of his spare time on writing and practicing songs with Trish for the audition. That, plus his college work, was keeping him busy so it wasn't surprising he was distracted.

When he eventually realised his Z-band was still logged in to Bowling For Zoup's account, something stopped him from logging out. He got curious. Of course, it should have taken him to the login screen, if Zach had done as instructed and changed the password, but it didn't. Either Zach had forgotten, or he had wanted Al to still have access to the channel. With that in mind, his curiosity was piqued and he went to look through it. It wasn't long before he saw what Zach had done.

The most recent uploads were all unlisted, and had all been posted in the time since he made the goodbye video. The titles were all vague variations of "Watch" and the thumbnails barely gave anything away; Al could just barely make out the mural in the power plant light garden, the café at the plaza, the cauli-brains stand...

"... You know you gotta spell these things out for me, man..." he muttered under his breath but clicked the oldest one anyway.

A BFZ gig, at a zombie mash. Al frowned; why would Zach keep this unlisted? They posted video of gigs all the time. Whatever the reason, he guessed it was filmed by either Rizzo or Zane. Bonzo was playing the keyboard, as he often had when they needed it, and it looked as though Zephyr was singing lead now. Al rolled his eyes but kept watching, unable to keep his eyes of his ex-boyfriend. There was no-one around, he didn't need to defend himself.

The video started as the band was finishing Epiphany with nothing seeming too out of the ordinary until the next song was about to start. Zephyr paused, casting a quick glance over his audience then stepped back towards Zach. They whispered to each other for a little while, Zach looking apprehensive at first, and Zephyr pleading, until Zach gave in and, to Alonzo's surprise, took Zephyr's place at the mic. He felt his heart drop as Zephyr, now standing back, began to play. He knew exactly what this song was. Zach moved his bass to his back and sang.

"Me, I'm a part of your circle of friends. And we notice you don't come around. And me, I think it all depends on you touching ground with us, but..."

Why wasn't Zephyr singing? Alonzo risked looking at him and immediately regretted it. He looked so torn up, slowly breaking more and more as the song went on. Eventually, he couldn't stand to keep watching and closed it, letting out a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding. He sat in silence for a moment.

...What else was there?

In the second video, it was clear that Zach was trying to hide that he was filming, using his Z-band instead of a normal camera and continuing to play his bass as it was rolling. It looked like they were at Roz's house, evidently for band practice, and Al tensed up when he once again recognised the song.

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