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Chapter 1

Amass playing the piano with a Ludovico Einaudi piece from my italian nonnina Elsea. It was one of many things she taught me.

"You really are a natural. Nonnina Elsea's words were true back then."

My enthrallment went to the person who stood in front of me. He was my fratello, my brother, my family.

"Hi......Are your preparations doing good?"

"We did the remaining tests last night and I believe our preparations are good enough, I just hope we're not too late before the virus eats up every human being that are not yet infected. We wanted everyone to be aware and prepared of what may come of this disease. It's far worse than we have anticipated."

The weight of the study concerning this virus had resulted in months of sleepless nights and worned out bodies, and each night I pass by his room, all I could see is his empty bed looking like, no body had ever laid on it since the past few months. His laboratory became my second resort everytime he's not in his room, and there I'll see him sitting in his chair with his arm resting on top of his eyes, as if covering it, with its lids heavily shut. It was always the scene I'd see each time I arrive home from practice, yeah practice.....the next competition is coming up and I've been spending much of my dear time with my bow and arrow.

"Hey! Vixen aren't you listening? I have been speaking here for hours and I haven't heard a word from you. Are you okay, is there something beyond that window that you dislike so much and that you would even glare at it?"

Yeah, you heard that right I'm Vixen THE VIXEN, a lot of people say bad things about me, they often think that my name says it all, I wouldn't deny the fact that there are times I would loose my grip and patience when the situation is asking for it, but I am who I am.

"Ahh... It's nothing Im just worried about my brother's event."

"If that's what your worried about, then don't be, cause I know for sure that a lot of students from our school would definitely be interested in your brother's event, and Viper had already proven his magnificent gift in the field of science, who would match up to him being the youngest doctor here in school? and his kind of popular."

"Yeah... I guess he is...."

It comes with the italian blood running in our veins, it was a sure ball that we'd have prominent features that are quite oogling for others, but each time I see bunch of students like them I can't help but think..... if it's enough that the event later would provide a thread of useful information, if there are students like them that would rather show interests in watching and supporting people with 45 calibers in their hands..

"So they're the ones who have been receiving your deadly glares? I'm surprised they're still standing firm and didn't melt in their stance. Cipher Alvioure..... does really receive a lot of support from his die hard fans, but here is a fact that you should consider your brother is not just any man and we all know that his got lots of girls who adore him."

I noticed that Calliope's fists circled into a tight ball, I'd be lying if I tell you that she doesn't feel anything for my brother. The way she masters her sword doesn't mean she'd master to control her feelings of undying love for my brother, cause her love can be felt just upon hearing her talk of him.

"That's what I don't get about this guy, why do the girls love him when his such a control freak, his new hear but he already got everyone intrested and lining up in their target shooting events. Ever since he moved here almost half of the campus' number had been so hunged up on him, and the more the students get interested in him the lesser the number of students who shows interests in my brothers studies..... ohh Calli....its just frustrating."

" We can't blame them for that, cause it's not just the guns that he's good at, he mastered every art of knowing what's likable, what's lovable and what's desirable. For christ's sake Vixen have you not seen this guy? He possesess the visage of a God and the physique of a warrior, in short he's smoking hot."

"One thing is for sure, all I see is a control freak who is full of himself."

"Shit! why do I keep on biting my tounge?"

"Dude I think someone's been bad mouthing you."

" Who would dare talk shit about this guy, have you seen Cipher's Beretta 92FS? I bet no one would."

" Instead of blabbering shit about me, why don't you just pick up your guns and practice your shooting, that way you'd have a chance of beating me."

"Nah... I won't take my chances."

"I think it's that chick over there, she'd been glaring at us, and if looks could kill we'd be dead by now."

"Hey isn't that Viper's sister? "

"I think she's got eyes for you Ciph.."

"I think you got it all wrong Graphnel, those are glaring eyes which only means she has been eyeing Cipher not cause she's intetested in him but the other way around I think she wants him burried underground, and I'm telling you she wants it deeper than you could imagine."

"If you people don't stop talking about me then you'd be the ones burried deep underground."

"Aww... did I just see a freakin' forlorn look in that face of yours dude, sorry but our little Vixen won't be joining your set of girls. I think she's pissed off because of you..... I mean between you and her brother's deal with the conflicting schedules for the event."

"What's between me and her brother is not of her concern."

I'm fucking pissed off, it was sure as hell that I wouldn't wanna waste my time explaining everything to them, I got up and loaded my Beretta 92FS and aimed straight at my target.

"Hey, I guess everything's doing fine in here seeing that smile on your face."

"Calli I'm just glad that a lot of students are still coming in and are showing there interest and support."

"I told you right? Everything's gonna be fine."

and.... it's another bulls eye... this guy is magnificent, he's a prodigy and here's a rumor spreading about him... no missed shots ever since he knew how to hold a gun...from a 45 caliber, pistols, riffles and shotguns ain't that fucking cool.....

It's fucking true I have never missed a shot in my life and handling guns have been a part of me ever since I could remember.

"Hey! how come Graphnel's not here yet?"

I knew he'd been working out late for his coming weight lifting match, but I didn't think that today was a good idea to be fucking running late. He was supposed to bring the new set of guns from Russia.

"It's a virus that had infected many individuals, a threat to our lives, anybody could be a carrier once bitten by a person carrying the virus, a lenght of 30 minutes it would take for the virus to reach its most dangerous form, wherein you loose control over yourself and start attacking anybody, and you wouldn't be able to tell if the person you are attacking is a loved one. It may sound terrifying but as I had stated earlier we had come up with a cure that could prevent all of these things from happening."

"ahh.... somebody help..... ahhh!!"

I was startled when I heared a terrified voice screaming from the back, her voice sounded desperate. There are people running, there were shouting and the whole place became an instant doom house. I couldn't help but swallow the lump that was building in my throat.

"What the hell is happening?"

I can hear Calli's voice in the back of my head, but the situation was clouding up every sound I could possibly hear, I was seeing things in slow motion. It's like I couldn't breathe. There were screaming but suddenly, all the sounds were gone and all I can see was a terrifying turmoil taking place in front of me.

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