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It was fucking early in the morning and there's this banging in my head, this was probably the aftereffect of not being able to fucking sleep at all, after what happened last night I went back to my room and tried to fucking wash the heat off me. Shit! and I thought the heat would be washed off by a fucking cold shower. I was wrong it would take more than that to tame the beast that she had awaken.

"Hey there lover boy, had a nice sleep?"

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Ooppsss.....I guess not. My bad I'll just come back later."

"Spill it."

"You see Ciph we're kinda having a serious situation right at this instant."

"If were having this serious situation you were saying, then what's with the fucking enthusiastic greeting?"

"Fuck! Ciph that's what you call manners."

"To hell with those manners, cut to the fucking chase Graph."

"Okay.... okay... we have intruders."

I heard him clearly. I stood up and grabbed my gun.

"Which area of the building was breached?"

"The entrance."

"Damn! Aren't they fucking fond of using the main entrances."

"Don't forget that everyone is entitled to one of those shitty grand entrances Ciph."

Graphnel said while lifting the baseball bat up and resting it on his shoulders. I know he's getting fucking fired up, but he's not the only one.

We reached the entrance and to be fucking welcomed by a whole set of flying daggers, never came accross my mind. We tried to dodge it but I was cut through my right shoulder, I hissed with the sudden contact of it. I had a taste of their dagger I'll let them taste my fucking gun. Bullets where every where I saw Brooke and Leo, they got here first and as to what I can see the intruders gave them a one hell of a game and Graphnel was literally dodging the daggers with his bat.

"Ciph, holy fucking daggers as balls? Damn this is fun."

I run across the raining daggers, with Graphnel covering me up, I was fucking thankful with my speed, all those years of track and field had paid off. When I reached the center I jumped on top of the table and aimed my gun at my target. She was at gunpoint.

"Tell me, who are you and what do you fucking want?"

"Hey Ciph look out there's another one at your back!"

"Hey! Jeanina what do you think you're doing? You're at fucking gun point and your just standing there. This is not the right time for you and your frigid attitude."


The other girl called Jeanina, said with her plain Jane expression.

I was strungled of what I think is a fucking metal chain. These intruders are good. They took us by surprise with their barony, but it doesn't end here, turning the tables around has always been my arena.

I heard that there were intruders in the main entrance, Calli and I were near the area so we decided to welcome our visitors, but what we saw when we got there wasn't what I expected. Cipher was pinning a girl on the wall, and I can see that she's struggling to break lose from his restraint, while Graphnel was holding back the other girl. Shit the intruders were freaking damsels.

"Cipher let her go!"

"Why would I fucking do that?"

"Please hear them out first."

I said with my most sincere voice. He looked as if he was battling with himself, confusion is visible in his visage, that was the moment I noticed his eyes. He didn't get that much sleep too, was it because of the kiss? No Vixen, don't fool yourself, it couldn't be the reason. I was back to my senses when he relesed her.

Fuck! When I heared her voice I just wanted to drag her out of here and fucking kiss her. She has this effect on me that could kill every controlling veins I have in my body. I just couldn't put it into words, and the moment she told me to release her I just couldn't fucking say no.

"Now answer me, who are you and what do you want?"

The girl with the plain jane expression just stared at me, while the other one stood up and raised her hands.

"Don't bother she won't answer you. You're just waisting your time."

I turned to look at the blonde one with my lop sided grin.

"So would you enlighten us and fucking talk in behalf of the plain jane here?"

"Gee, no need for the cursing and all. Men and their temper."

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