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Chapter 6

I got back to my room and had an irritating talk with Calli its like she's selling me out to the guy who caused the death of my brother.

"Calli, don't ever say that again!"

"What if I want to huh? Its not like I'm lying, It's the truth."

"Yeah fine It's the truth but I'm telling you it will not happen, not now not ever."

"Well, we will just see about that."

"For now Vixx all you have to do is forget, forget then eventually you can forgive. I was there he did what he had to do."

"I'll try with the forgetting part, you see I realize he'd want me to get over it, move on live my life."

"Yeah I bet he does, and he wants that new life of yours to be with Cipher, I just want you to think it through, he's not a bad guy."

"It just won't work okay, you should drop the topic."

Calli felt it, that I grew stiff thinking about the possibility of me and him.

"Okay Mrs. Alvioure."

"Hey! I told you not to say it again, It sounds weird and I couldn't imagine being addressed that way."

"Nah.. I still think his last name suits you better not like that guy who keeps stalking you till the end of summer, It was creepy seeing your new name written on the street's wall with his surname, I mean who does that? And how'd he know your name, it's just freaking creepy."

"Hello Calli, writing your name on the walls of the street and is a matter of factly knowing your name is the official and obvious job of a stalker."

"You know what, you've got a point there."

We were both laughing so hard when we heard a knock on the door of the room where I was staying. I opened the door and saw a cute little kid looking like a latina princess.

"Oh! hi there.."

I looked around to see if she was with somebody, cause as far as I can remember the only survivors where from our school.

"Where did you come from little one?"

"Ahhh.. ahhh.. my mama is.. ahh.. staying in there."

She pointed into the room in front of mine.

We learned that they were rescued by Cipher during the time they were out looking for supplies. I guess he's not that bad after all, but this doesn't change what I think of him.

I saw Graphnel walk out of his room. I gathered all the courage I have, I needed to talk to him about the address where my brother wanted us to go. This place holds the answers to all our questions.

"Hey Graph is he inside? I just need to talk to him.

"Yeah he's inside, but he's kinda busy with someone, but you can go inside if you want."

I didn't actually understood what he said until I got inside. I heard chuckling and giggling sounds and when I got to where those sounds where coming from I was astonished. I kept quiet so that I wouldn't disturb them Cipher was busy playing with this young girl I saw earlier and plastered in is face was a genuine smile. I think it's the first time I saw this side of him. I didn't notice time passed as I watched them until the they both fell asleep.

"You can come out now, and stop hiding yourself. Is there something you wish to talk with me?"

His voice was requesting respect, it was so intimidating that I almost stumbled.

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