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Chapter 5

The walls are not that thick, and be the reason not to hear her sobbing from the other room. Our situation has gone from complicated to fucking daedal. The moment I decided to check on her was when I saw her on the floor almost drifting back to sleep. I lifted her back to bed, she tried to break free from my hold but then I didn't let her. We were taking refuge in one of the nearby abandoned building with a distance from our school. I got out of the room and saw Graphnel leaning by the wall. I knew that he wanted answers as much as I do, but the only person that could've given as the answers just died in my own hands.

"Hey, is she feeling good already?"


"What's happening Ciph? Last time I checked we were busy for the coming competition, and now everythings changed. It's just so fucked up."

"I know it's hard on all of us, and I know it would be harder as this virus keeps threatening the uninfected, but we need to be strong. It's either they get to you and you turn into them, or they get to you but your fucking prepared for them."

"I expected to hear that from you, still hasn't changed, it's just fucking crazy how you can be serious and scaring the shit out of the others with you being a control freak one time and giving the we still have hope line  the next."

"Am I supposed to be flattered or insulted?"

"Ciph I think this is the time you should be flattered, after my long and wonderful speech."

We both laughed at how this conversation started of seriously and ended up like this, I guess it turned out this way cause the conversation is with him, I know the seriousness gets to him but it'll last a couple of minutes or so. He's just the fucking Graphnel I know.

"We better talk to the others on how things should be for now, for everyones safety.We have lots of survivors here with us and we should probably get some food, if we'll stay here for a couple of days."

"Okay, I'll go and get the others in one room so we could start the huddle."

I'm standing in front of about fifteen survivors from our school, and I saw her by the door.

"You all need to remember what I said, not one of you should be bitten, you'd be one of them if you have.We fight them off, you can make use of any weapon to protect yourselves and the others. We need men that could help us get food and supplies and we leave tonight."

When I looked back at the door, the face I saw was gone.

"Hey Vixx are you feeling better now? Why'd you leave the room you should be getting some rest."

"How can you ask me that? How can you pretend that nothing happened huh? Answer me... answer me Calli."

"I'm sorry Vixx but his gone! and I'm fucking mad at myself for not telling him that I fucking love him... huhh.. huhh... his gone and there's nothing we can do about it."

I wanted to slap myself for putting all the hurt that I felt on her, Calli doesn't deserve this she was as hurt as I am.

"I'm sorry Calli, It just hurts."

I was about to hug her when I saw Graphnel standing not from a far and I know he heard us.

"Sorry I didn't mean to sneak on you girls... I heard screaming and I thought..."

"Did you hear anything?"

Calli said with gritted teeth. I get it that she didn't want anyone knowing about her love situation.

"Ahhh which part do you mean exactly the one where she asks you how can you pretend that nothing happened or the one where you said I'm sorry but his gone! and I'm fuckin ...."

Calli did not let him finish his words and turned her back to leave. I don't know if he's stupid or just breaking the ice of the scene, but I was sure he was clearly stating that he was there the whole time and that he heard everything, who could be as stupid as that? It helped though, I can temporarily forget the pain.

"Hey... I'm not done yet... how rude can you be? asking a person and not letting them finish their answers... hey!"

I run towards where Calli was heading, we roam around the building we were staying at, and only to notice that it was quite huge, it was Victorian styled the intricate designs on the wall were screaming of elegance and class, but seeing at how it wasn't maintained was the reason why it closed. Calli had been talking to me all this while but all I could see was his face, the memories I have of him. I remember him once during our visit to nonnina Elsea in Italy when we were young.

"Hey Vixx don't you dare cry now."

He came and locked me in his arms. I miss mom and that I wanna go home and see them. Our visit in Italy was the saddest cause we traveled alone, Viper was eighteen that time, I was  fourteen and a daddy's girl. He stood up and blind folded me.

"What is this Viper?"

I asked while he was guiding me some place. I was careful with my steps cause practically don't wanna trip.

"Just trust me."

When we reached our destinstion  he then took off the blind fold and to my surprise I was in front of a garden with a beautifully set breakfast prepared. It was such an awe seeing such scenery.

"Did you do this?"

I asked stunned, he just gave off his sweetest smile.

"Indeed, there's nothing better than Italian  in the morning."

"Thanks Viper."

I knew he did this to cheer me up. He was really a perfect brother to me, who wouldn't love him right?

I came back to reality when I felt the strong breeze of the wind in my face as if it was Viper telling me not to have such a forlorn face.

We were at this convinient store, the silence was defeaning only the sound of our footsteps could be heard. We were cautious with our actions cause there might be a fucking horde in here.

"Brooke cover me. I'll check if there are zombies inside, Graph go and check the back door, bring Leo with you and look for useful stuff that we might need."

"Sure leave that to us."

We took our time getting the things we might need. I had an encounter with two fucking staffs that turned into zombies. I didn't bother taking their agony for long I had them at gun point. Their fucking brains scattered on the floor when I was done.

We were about to leave when we heard screming. When we opened the door where the scream was coming from, I fucking aimed my  gun and shot the zombie, that was fucking close, the kid was about to get fucking bitten if we didn't get there in time.

"Ahh... Maria huhh.... come here baby."

She hugged her daughter tight, releived of what did not happen. The stranger stood up carrying her daughter with her.

"Thank.... you..  thank you....  we owe you our lives...."

I carried the kid on to the truck while Brooke and Leo carried the kid's mother.

I saw him, I guess they just arrived. He was heading towards my direction. I didn't wanna talk to him but before I could make a move, he grabbed my arm making me look at his green piercing eyes.

"I see your better now."

"Yes I am, and if you do not let me go I'll punch you in the face."

I said through gritted teeth. I really wanna punch him right now.

"Now that's not the right way for a lady to act."

"I will talk the way I like and it doesn't concern you."

"It does cause you'll be my wife."

"No.... never."

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