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Chapter 15

We entered the biggest mall in our town called THE GRIMSONS, at a time like this, if you are looking for a place to supply the things that you might need, this is the perfect place to shop around. This place has everything.

"Hey Ciph I'll go and get the rides."

I hearerd Brooke said, before I went straight to the protein bar section, passing the area where they place the carts. I grabbed one, and shoved a lot of protein bars on it, after that I went to the dairy products section, I got Maria five boxes of milk. I heared she wanted some when I passed by their room the other night. I didn't notice all along my shopping spree, that Cipher was with me, when I got to the sanitary section to grab some sanitary pads for me and the girls to use, that was the only time that he took a left and went to the beverage section. Talk about awkward.

"Don't go too far."

"I'll be fine."

Yes we were back to our one liner convo after all that had happened. I grabbed shampoos, moisturizers, and many other hygenic things that we might need. He said we'd move out of our current shelter and find another one moving towards the address that my brother had given us, so we better get ourselves the things we needed most. I grabbed some clothes and didn't even bother fitting them, just those that I think would fit to the ones I'd give it to. I was gonna go back to the guys when I heared a muffling sound. I followed it and to my dismay a horde of zombies are piling up to what I see is a freshly killed salesperson and now turning into one of them. Just my luck.  I turned around to warn the others but the squeaking sound of the carts wheels got their attention.

I run as fast as I could to get my balance and when I got the pace I jumped sitting in the cart that was loaded with the things I got earlier, the cart moved backwards. I got my arrow and set it flying across the malls hall, landing on my targets head. I shouted to alarm the guys.

"Guys a horde is coming our way!"

I heard Cipher curse and with a heartbeat there where sounds of bullets, and zombies dropping dead on the floor. He's fast. The next thing I knew he was behind me grabbing the carts edge pulling us back.

"I fucking told you not to go far?"

Sure as hell he's really pissed off.

"I wasn't going that far and I didn't know that there was a freaking horde."

"I'm sure you didn't"

"Are you mocking me?"

I wasn't a fool, not to sense the sarcasm in his voice. I wanted to talk back and defend myself but he aimed the gun at me, my heart skipped a beat. I closed my eyes, and he pulled the trigger. I didn't feel anything only to see a dead zombie infront of me. He didn't aim it at me but on what's behind me. I released a long sigh, relieved from what almost happened. I didn't notice one was catching up to us and it almost had me that second, but thanks to Cipher it didn't even touch a strand of my hair.


"Later, we will talk about this later."

I didn't push the argument further, he's really pissed. But what is he so pissed about? I didn't die or anything.

"Holy fuck Ciph it's a freaking horde!"

"I can see that Graph, you don't fucking need to shove it up our faces. Have you gotten the rides?"

"Hell yeah, Brookes already on the wheel."

"How many?"

"Two fucking sweet rides baby! One Audi R8 for us and one Red Navigator coming right up."

Brooke and Graphnel where on the same car, they used the Audi R8 leaving me to ride back in the shelter with Cipher. Not such a good idea, cause I know and sense he's still pissed. We were on our way out of the mall using the groundfloor parking lot when a whole bunch of this shitty zombies are blocking our way. Our car was the first to exit, but zombies on our way, Cipher did what his gut tells him. He run over them. Some were slamming on the car's mirror resulting for Cipher to drive and hit the gas hard.

"Shit! that was close, thank god I had my seatbelts on."

I was catching my breath when we got at a safer distance. We can see the Audi following our speed from the back.

We got back to the shelter safely but Cipher hasn't said a word throughout the whole ride on our way back. I thought maybe, he wouldn't go through all the talking and stuff, cause the last time we talked, it led to a kiss that still haunts me in my dreams. I got out of the car ready to bail when he spoke.

"You won't bail out on me."

"Ahhhh.... Who told you I was gonna bail? and if I want to, you can't do anything about it."

I walked passed him but then he grabbed me, pulling me with him upstairs in his room. We walked pass Amanda but he didn't give a freaking care about her.

"Hey... Cipher your ba...."

I knew she got pissed off. I smiled with the look on her face. She's too stunned to even close her mouth.

"Hey! where are you taking me?"

He didn't answer and continued to drag me upstairs, for all I know where headed to direction of his room.

"Can't you hear me? Where are you taking me.?"

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