Day 1: Selfie

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Lance was always a fan of selfies.

He was always taking them. At home, at school, at the park. Any time, any place, as long as his phone was charged, which it always was, he would be taking selfies.

He often took them with his friends as well. Hunk loved taking pictures with his best friend, he often helped Lance with his more ridiculous selfie ideas that his other friends refused to help with. Mainly because Lance practically begs Hunk to help.

Pidge only participated in Lance's selfies if he had agreed to do something in return for her, or, if he persisted to bug her, to shut him up.

Shiro didn't really understand all the hype behind selfies, but if Lance brought his camera out, Shiro humored him.

Allura loved Selfies, regardless of who it was with. She took them almost as often as Lance did.

But Keith...Keith was another story.

Keith hated selfies.

Whenever Lance pulled out his phone Keith shrunk into the confines of his jacket, hiding his face from Lance's camera.

Lance was determined to get a selfie with Keith. And not just a blurry one where Keith runs away, or one where his face is hidden, but a good one.

Lance had made several attempts since he first met the mulleted boy in his Sophmore year, so far, none were successful.

"Huuuuuunk! Help me!" Lance complained.

Said Cuban boy was spread out on one of the couches in the cafe Him, Hunk, and Pidge often visited.

"Maybe you should just ask him nicely?" Hunk suggested.

"Or you could have Hunk hold him down for you," Pidge suggested, not looking up from her laptop.

Hunk frowned.

"I don't think Keith would like that..." He said. Lance sighed dramatically.

"That won't work. No offense buddy, but you're too much of a marshmallow to hold him down. And I don't think asking him would work." Lance said.

"None taken. I like marshmallows." Hunk said, taking a sip of his drink. Lance rolled over so he could reach his own drink, but it was just out of reach. He attempted to stretch for it but failed. He gave Pidge a pleading look but the small girl ignored him.

"Here," Shiro said as he handed Lance his drink, before sitting down in a chair, joining the trio.

"Thanks, Dad!" Lance said, sitting up on the couch.

Shiro just sighed.

"Please stop calling me that," Shiro said.

"No can do, you're a total dad. You act more dad than my dad does." Lance said. Shiro rolled his eyes, sat back in his chair, grabbed the nearest newspaper to hide behind, and drank his coffee in silence.

"Anyway! Back to the important matters at hand! I need ideas! Good ones!" Lance said, throwing his hands up dramatically.

"You could just sneak up behind him and snap one. Someone did that to my grandma in the mall once." Hunk suggested.

"He'd probably hear you coming. He's pretty good at telling if someone is sneaking up on him. That and you aren't exactly quiet." Pidge said, adjusting her glasses.

Lance didn't respond, he just sat, thinking. After a few seconds, he jumped up excitedly.

"I've got it!" He exclaimed before running out of the cafe, earning a glare from the barista.

Lance ran until he reached the bookstore that Keith often went to.

Keith had just been walking out, holding a small paper bag, presumably full of the mystery novels Keith was so fond of.

Lance ran up behind Keith wrapping his arms around the smaller boy. Keith tensed up.

"Keeeith!" Lance said excitedly.

"Lance, get off of me," Keith said. His voice was a bit shaky. Lance looked at Keith's face and saw it was red.

Lance smirked. He pulled his phone out. Before Keith could knock the phone out of Lance's hand, Lance leaned over and kissed the smaller boys cheek, then snapped the picture.

Lance let go of Keith and danced around him.

Keith just stood there red-faced and stunned.

Lance posted the picture on nearly every social media he had, before walking back over to Keith.

"I finally got a good selfie of us!" Lance said, showing the picture to Keith.

"Could you...send it to me?" Keith asked, quietly. This time, Lance was stunned, but he recovered quickly.

"Yeah, sure man," Lance said, pulling up Keith in his contacts and sending the picture to him, before walking back to the cafe where Hunk, Pidge, and Shiro were waiting.

Keith saved the picture to his phone, he smiled fondly at the picture, before setting it as his screensaver.



I know it was short, but it was my first one so give me a break.

Next one on May 3rd ^-^

If you liked it, let me know, I like reading funny comments!

Klancey May 2019Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt