Day 3: School

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Keith stood out in the cold, on the corner of his street, waiting for the bus to pull up.

If the walk to school didn't mainly consist of steep inclines in the road, Keith would have walked or even took his skateboard, but the walk seemed to take too much effort and energy that Keith didn't have so early in the morning.

Keith pulled out his phone, putting in his headphones and hitting shuffle on his music, the first song being, Far Too Young To Die by Panic! At The Disco.

He quietly hummed along to the music as he wrapped his jacket closer to him, hoping it could keep the cold autumn air out.

Keith was generally the only one at his stop. Occasionally he would see a freshman or two, but they never bothered him. Today, they weren't here.

Keith lived with his Mom, Krolia, and his older brother, Shiro. Both of which had to work early in the morning. Keith was old enough to have his license but his family only had one car, which his Mom used.

Keith wished he had made a better choice in clothing as he was currently freezing in his ripped black skinny jeans, a dark gray band t-shirt, a light, black hoodie with red accents, and, of course, his fingerless gloves. Even a beanie would help block the cool autumn breeze.

He was thankful when he saw the bus pull around the corner, driving down his street.

Keith took a step back as the bus driver pulled over to pick him up.

Keith's bus driver was a polite older woman, who often gave out treats, despite the fact that the people who rode our bus were loud and obnoxious.

The driver smiled at Keith and said a, way too happy in Keith's opinion, "Good Morning!" Keith just nodded and walked to an empty seat.

He was one of the first stops so he often got whatever seat he wanted. He generally chose the emergency seat in the middle of the bus. Nobody liked the emergency seat because it was more uncomfortable than the rest of the seats. It was usually empty. Today was no exception.

He plopped down in the seat, leaning against the emergency door window, turned up his music, and blocked out everyone and everything.

He listened to his music, which was now playing Bedless by Pierce The Veil. Keith listened to the somber lyrics, hearing them echo in his head as the seemingly upbeat beat of the song played.

Splash over your body while you drown on me,

You ain't seen nothin' yet
Enter the galaxy of our sober demise
To the young and without type,

In the morning hear all the birds sing
It never stops,

Then, with tears in your eyes
You smiled dressed in Coppertone tan lines,

Oh oh I hope you don't,
regret me,

His cliche emo moment was ruined by someone sitting in his seat next to him.

He was about to give the meanest look he could manage, hoping to scare off the human being who had the nerve to sit next to him, but when he realized who it was he stopped himself.

The person was a familiar figure. She had long blonde hair that was tied up in a sort of pigtails look. Her skin was fairly pale, her eyes a violet color.

"Sorry Keith, I didn't wake you up did I?" Romelle asked, sitting in the seat next to him.

Keith pulled out an earbud.

"I wasn't asleep, you just startled me, that's all. People don't usually sit with me." Keith said.

"Sorry, there wasn't any more free seats. I was going to ask if I could sit with you but I thought you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you." Romelle said. Keith's natural scowl lessened, to an extent.

Klancey May 2019Where stories live. Discover now