Day 21: Wedding

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Today was the day.

Today was the day they got married.

Keith had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Lance had been waiting for this day as well.

In fact, everyone seemed to waiting for this day to come.

It was a happy day for everyone.

The decorations were perfect, everything was perfect.

Keith was in his suit.

Lance was in his suit.

Keith had his flowers.

Lance just waited as Keith approached the altar.

Keith stepped up and stood next to Lance, grabbing his hand.

"I love you," Keith whispered.

"I love you too," Lance whispered back.

They looked up and saw Shiro smirking at them.

"I think he wants us to be quiet," Lance said quietly.

"Yeah, after all, it is his special day after all, " Keith whispered.

They both looked and heard the wedding march chorus start, as Adam walked down the aisle.

"They deserve this wedding. Especially after all they've been through." Lance whispered. Lance looked over and saw Allura and Lotor standing on the other side of Shiro.

Shiro deserved a happy ending. He probably sacrificed more than anyone through this war. His arm, his life, and probably his sanity at some point.

And now he was able to relax a bit with the love of his life, Adam.

There was no one who deserved it more.

Everyone was here to see it. Pidge, Hunk, Coran, Keith, Lance, Allura, Romelle, what was left of the blade, all his friends from the garrison, and many other people.

It was the happy ending they deserved.


Honestly, I couldn't think of a good enough wedding for Keith and Lance. So I decided to write about Shiro and Adam because honestly I love them so much and they deserved better. Also, Allura is alive. (And Lotor, but that isn't as important).

So yeah, a crappy version on how Voltron should have ended...? Maybe, maybe not. Idk I'm tired.

Klancey May 2019Where stories live. Discover now