Day 7: Movie Night

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A/N: here's something fun, let's see if you can guess what movie they watch. I'm not going to say what it is, just hint at it. See if anyone can figure it out ^-^

"We are NOT watching the Emoji Movie again!" Keith protested as Lance attempted to put the disc in.

"Come on, it's a classic. Like Star Wars or The First Pokemon movie." Lance said.

"Did you just compare that trash to Mewtwo Strikes back!?" Keith said, anger evident in his voice, making Lance realize he had crossed a line.

"Mewtwo strikes back was a masterpiece! There isn't a word that describes how awful the Emoji Movie is." Keith said. Lance rolled his eyes.

"Fine, then you pick the movie, babe," Lance said.

"No, because next time we do movie night, you're just going to constantly bug me about how I got to pick two times in a row. Just pick something that isn't the Emoji Movie. Pick literally anything else. Heck, Sharknado would be a better option." Keith said.

"Don't you diss on Sharknado, she's doing great without your incorrect opinion," Lance said, Keith was the one to roll his eyes this time.

"Just pick a movie idiot," Keith said. Lance put the Emoji Movie back on the shelf full of movies and picked something different, putting it in, careful not to let Keith see it.

Lance got up and sat back down next to his boyfriend, wrapping the blanket they had been sharing around himself.

"I swear if you-"

"It's not a meme movie, I swear," Lance said, cutting Keith off.

After watching commercials the movie finally played.

"I mean...this is kind of a meme movie, but at least it isn't the Bee Movie," Keith said.

"It is not. This movie is amazing!" Lance said.

"It so is. Just because it was a great movie, doesn't not make it a meme movie." Keith said.

"Meme movies are bad movies! This movie is the best movie ever!" Lance defended.

"So you're saying the Emoji Movie is a bad movie then?" Keith said. Lance's eyes widened.

"No! That's not what I meant! I mean-" Keith cut off Lance's babbling with a small peck on the lips.

"Just shut up and watch the movie," Keith said.

"Fine, how about we agree the original movie is a meme movie. But the remake isn't." Lance said.

"Yeah, but Johnny Depp is in it. He is a total meme." Keith added.

"Just because Johnny Depp is in it, doesn't make it a meme movie," Lance said.

"Okay, suuuure," Keith said sarcastically.

Lance glared at Keith but stayed silent.

"I bet you only like this movie because you get a taste bud organism every time you watch it," Keith said.

Lance shot him a look.

"I do not get a taste bud organism! It's a good movie!" Lance said.

"You're drooling," Keith said. Lance quickly wiped the drool from his face.

"Shut up." He said quickly, earning a laugh from Keith.

"Be quiet and just watch the movie," Lance said.

They sat cuddled together for a while, occasionally making comments like,

"I want candy now."

"That old lady is going to be me in ten years."

"It would suck to have a hole in the roof right above your bed."

"That chick is a spoiled bitch. I hope the squirrels eat her."

And other comments like that.

"I'm going to go get more popcorn," Lance said, beginning to get up. Keith pulled him back to the couch.

"No, I'll get it. You got it last time." Keith said.

"Awww, thanks, Babe," Lance said.

Keith walked into the kitchen and grabbed the popcorn box, only to find it empty.

"There's none left," Keith said, loud enough so that Lance could hear him in the next room.

"Aw man, I really wanted popcorn," Lance said.

"I can walk to the gas station and get some more." Keith offered.

"You don't have to do that. I can just eat something else." Lance said.

"There's literally nothing else in your cupboard. Unless you want stale tortillas." Keith said.

"Do we at least have salsa to go with them?" Lance asked. Keith checked the fridge.

"We have expired sour cream. Lance, why don't you ever clean out your old food?" Keith asked.

"Because if I did, my fridge and pantry would be empty," Lance said. Keith rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to the store. I'll be back in a few minutes." Keith said.

"I can go." Lance offered.

"It's only a block. Plus you've been at work all day. Just relax and watch the movie. It will only take me like ten minutes." Keith said. He slipped on his shoes, grabbed his wallet and a hoodie, which ended up being Lance's hoodie, and walked out the door.

Keith walked down the street to the little convenience store that Keith and Lance often visited for late night snacks.

Once Keith got to the store he grabbed a box of popcorn, a couple bags of chips, a liter of soda, and a candy bar.
He paid and left the store quickly, eager to get back to Lance's apartment as soon as possible. He was slightly slower, due to the amount of snacks he was carrying, but he managed to get back within twenty minutes of leaving.

Keith opened the door and walked straight into the kitchen, putting the snacks in the appropriate cupboards, before putting a bag of popcorn in the microwave.

Once it was done he poured the popcorn into a bowl ans carried it into the living room, where he found Lance passed out on the couch.

Keith smiled, placing the popcorn on the coffee table, before walking over to the couch and cuddling up to the passed out Lance, running his fingers through the brunettes hair.

Eventually, Keith drifted off as well, cuddled together on the couch with Lance.

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