Day 11: Painted Rivalry AU

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This is not my idea, characters or au. This belongs to Creantzy on Instagram. Because this is her Klancey May, this is one of the prompts. I will post a link here:

And a screenshot up top.

But yeah. You should go read the comic this is based off. It's really good.

Also, as usual, I have no idea what I am going to write for this. I honestly never think about what I'm going to write or plan anything. I just write.

So yeah...

Wish me luck...

I guess you can't because by the time you read this it will already be done...


Anyway here it is:


Keith was never a social butterfly. Or even a social caterpillar. Or anything social for that matter. He was always keeping to himself. Even when he was younger.

He was so much of an introvert, that Shiro took notice. And of course, he wanted to do something about it.

So he signed Keith up for the art camp he was helping out at over the summer. 

Keith begged and pleaded to get out of it, but Shiro did not change his mind.

So here Keith was, awkwardly standing in the lunch area, trying to figure out who to it with.

The past few days Keith had been invited to sit with a few people. His first day Shiro had made it clear he wasn't allowed to sit with him and Adam because Keith needed 'to be more social'. So his first day Keith sat next to two girls. One of them had eaten a sickening amount of Nutella while trying to talk about Gravity Falls, the other one, seemingly embarrassed, amused, and slightly proud of her friend's actions.

The next day Lance and his friends have invited Keith to sit with them, as well as the day after that. Keith was unsure if that would be a recurring thing, or if they were only doing it for a couple of days.

Keith felt a rush of relief when Lance waved him over to his table. Keith happily walked over to the table, as he had recently gotten quite fond of the people who sat at Lance's table. With an exception of Allura and Lotor, who had recently joined the table, thanks to Lance. Lance sat next to Allura, Lotor on her other side. While Pidge and Hunk were on the other side.

Allura wasn't bad. In fact, she was actually nice to Keith, the few times they talked. Lotor seemed to have a problem with Lance.

It was probably due to the fact that Lance was flirting with Allura but in Lance's defense, he seemed completely unaware of the fact that Lotor and Allura were dating.

"Hey, Allura, on a scale of one to ten, you're a ten-...I're a nine and I'm the ten you need-...I mean the one you need! On a scale of one to ten, you're a nine and I'm the one you need! That's what I meant!" Lance said, stammering through the cheesy pickup line.

Allura laughed.

"That was funny Lonce," Allura said.

"I think Allura is a ten," Lotor said.

"Ahhh, thank you Lotor," Allura said, smiling. Lance frowned as Allura turned away from him.

Lance attempted to start another pickup line, but Allura was no longer paying attention. 

Lance frowned and looked at his food, no longer interested in socializing.

Pidge and Hunk were too preoccupied with their own conversation to notice the Cuban boy's sudden mood change. And Allura and Lotor were in their own world as well.

I guess that leaves me. Keith thought. He looked at Lance, then quickly pulled out his headphones, plugging it into his phone and turning on a song.

Keith then offered one of the earbuds to Lance. Lance looked at him, confused. Keith just shook the earbud slightly, as if saying, 'Just take the damn earbud'. Lance shrugged and put the earbud in his ear. Keith pressed play and Lance smiled, as Fireflies by Owl City played through their ears.

They listened to it two times after it had originally finished, mainly because Lance had snatched Keith's phone and insisted on replaying the song at least once, Keith went along with the Cuban boy's shenanigans to cheer him up. Eventually, Lance hit next on Keith's phone, making the next song play, Lose Yourself By Eminem, which earned a snicker from Lance.

"Do you have a problem with my music choices, Lance?" Keith asked.

"Mom's Spaghetti," Lance said, in sync with the music. Which almost made Keith laugh.

Lance continued to mutter the two words under his breath to the beat of the music.

Eventually, once the song ended, and several others which Lance made jokes about the entire time, Lance got up, taking the earbud out of his ear.

He went to leave, but he stopped and turned to Keith.

"Thanks, Keith," Lance said, "We should hang out more often."

Keith smiled and nodded, then realized he should say words, rather than nodding like an idiot.

"Yeah, we should." Keith managed, then mentally slapped himself. Lance laughed, before walking off to catch up with Hunk, who had left the table with Pidge earlier.


So I realized the end is similar to the last one, but it's 10:30 pm, give me a break. Hopefully, I will catch up eventually.

Klancey May 2019Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum