Day 13: Pinning

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                             of these have been pinning because I'm an evil author who won't give you the full gay, but I guess I can do more pinning..?

I've been doing all on earth au's for this so imma do a space one for this one. Or try to anyway. I don't really plan too much when I write, so here goes nothing, thanks for reading and sticking through all my shit. Hope you enjoy ^-^


Lance was falling.

He was falling hard.

And as cliche as that sounded, he knew it was the truth.

Well...he tried to deny it, at first...but after weeks of non-stop gay thoughts about the boy, he decided to just give in and admit to himself that he liked Keith. Of course, Keith was definitely straight.

I mean, just look at him. He's so edgy and manly. His whole aesthetic just screams I AM STRAIGHT. He uses a sword, like a man, and he's half alien. Aliens aren't gay, are they? I've never met any galra who seemed to let on that they were gay, then again, I've never really met any galra...

Lance did the only thing he thought he could do.

So here he was, standing outside a bedroom door in the middle of the night, waiting for him to answer.

He wanted to at least be Keith's friend if he could. And as it was now, they weren't exactly friends. In fact, Lance was pretty sure Keith hated him, but that wouldn't stop the determined blue palidan.

He tapped on the door again, growing impatient. Keith was almost always up this late. Lance only knew this because Lance often could sleep, so he wandered around the castle at night. He saw Keith wandering as well.

Lance knocked again and heard a groan from the other side of the door. He heard a muffled male voice from the other side of the door.

"I swear if you're here to complain about La-" The door opened and revealed Shiro.

"Oh, Lance. I thought you were someone else." Shiro said, "What's up? Is everything okay?"

"Is this not Keith's room?" Lance asked, confused and feeling slightly guilty for waking Shiro.

"No, Keith's room is on the other side of your room," Shiro said.

"Oh," Lance said, slightly disappointed.

"Is everything okay?" Shiro asked again.

"Yeah...I just...its stupid..." Lance said. Shiro looked at him concerned.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Shiro asked.

Lance waited a second before nodding. Shiro beckoned for him to come in. Lance did, sitting on the end of Shiro's bed. Shiro sat down next to him, leaving a foot or two of room between them.

"So, what's going on?" Shiro asked.

"It's...a bit...embarrassing...and kinda dumb," Lance started, "So basically...I like someone, but they don't like me, I'm pretty sure they hate me actually and even if they didn't hate me, they wouldn't like me, like I like them, and They don't like people like me, and I want to tell them, but I know they won't like me back, and I'm worried that they might even hate me for liking them like I like them."

Lance had spoken so fast that Shiro had trouble keeping up. He managed to get it for the most part.

"That's a lot of likes for one very very long sentence," Shiro muttered.

"Sorry..." Lance said. Shiro chuckled.

"It's okay," Shiro said, "And I think we all know anyway."

"You do!?" Lance asked, slightly worried.

"You aren't exactly subtle. You flirt all the time." Shiro said, giving Lance a dad smile.

"I do?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, all the time," Shiro said.

"I didn't realize I was. I must have been doing it unconsciously." Lance said. Shiro gave Lance a look of confusion.

"It doesn't seem very subtle. I mean, she yells at you to stop all the time during battle." Shiro said.

"Wait, She?" Lance asked. Shiro and Lance stared at each other for a moment.

"Who did you think we were talking about?" Lance asked.

"Allura," Shiro said, "Is that not who you were talking about?"

Lance's face went red with embarrassment and he shook his head.

"Who were you talking about then?" Shiro asked.





Shiro's eyes widened.

"You like Keith?"

Lance stared at the ground, not wanting to meet Shiro's eyes.

Lance slowly nodded.

Shiro got over his moment of confusion and smiled. He placed a hand on Lance's shoulder, supportively. Lance flinched at Shiro's touch.

"Lance," Shiro said, "Keith doesn't hate you."

"Sure," Lance said sarcastically, "And Zarkon is a good guy."

"I'm serious," Shiro said.

"He hates me, Shiro. I'm pretty sure he's said it to my face." Lance said.

"Believe me, he doesn't mean it," Shiro said. Lance rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," Lance said. He stood up and started to walk out of the room. He stopped before he got to the door.

"Hey, Shiro," Lance started.


"Thanks...." Lance said. Shiro smiled.

"I'm always here if you need to talk Lance," Shiro said.

"No, I mean...thanks for not...judging me...about me liking guys...thanks for accepting me," Lance said. Shiro laughed.

"You do know that I am gay right? I have a fiance on earth." Shiro said.

"Really? I didn't know." Lance said, somewhat surprised, but, as his exhaustion was finally catching up to him, his reaction wasn't as exaggerated as it usually was.

"Yeah," Shiro nodded. Lance yawned.

"Neat." He said tiredly. He lazily waving to Shiro, before leaving the room.

Shiro got back in bed, getting comfortable, and trying to fall back asleep. Once he began to drift off, there was a loud knock on his door. He groaned before getting up. He opened the door to see Keith.

"Shiro, can we talk. It's about Lance again."


OwO got some great Space Dad Moments. Shiro will always be #1 Space Dad.

Anyway, hoping to catch up more. I am several days behind.

Also, this isn't exactly relevant to this at all but I have started a Tumblr. I wanted somewhere to share short stories from both my personal life and my fanfiction. ^-^ so check it out.

It's Sn0kitten
Someone took SnoKitten >:(

Link in my description.

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