Day 9: Rain

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Great. It's raining again. Keith thought miserably as he stepped out of the school.

He stood under the small overhang of the roof for the school building, hoping it would be enough to keep him dry.

Usually, if it was this rainy, Shiro would pick him up, but it seemed today that the older male was not here.

Keith pulled out his phone, to text Shiro, hoping he wasn't busy at the coffee shop him and his husband Adam owned.

However, as soon as he pulled his phone out he saw the low battery icon flash on his screen before the screen went black. Keith was tempted to throw his phone to the ground and curse at it madly, but he decided to not make a scene, as there were a small group of other students who would, no doubt, think he was messed up for cursing at an inanimate object.

Keith was tempted to walk home in the rain, he usually walked home anyway, but seeing as how the walk was about five miles, he didn't see a situation where he wouldn't get drenched and six. Plus, Shiro would freak if he saw Keith walking into the coffee shop, drenched in rainwater.

Keith looked to the sky, seeing that the clouds were dark and heavy, the rain was definitely not going to end, any time soon.

Keith turned back to the front doors of the school, deciding to use the main desk's phone to call Shiro. Of course, the doors were locked.

Figures the one day I stay after school it rains. Keith thought to himself.

His closest friend, Pidge, had asked him to help her in the art room after school on a project she had been working on. He had only agreed because he knew his longtime crush, Lance McClain, frequently stayed in the art room after school to work on his own school projects.

However, today seemed to be the one day that Lance didn't show up. Which really sucked for Keith because Pidge also failed to show as well. He had assumed Pidge was trying to get himself and Lance alone, but Pidge hadn't made sure Lance would actually be there.

So Keith was stuck in the art room, with both, students he didn't know, and a teacher he didn't know.

Keith checked his bag, for an umbrella, for the millionth time but came out, yet again, empty-handed.

It had just crossed his mind that the umbrella, was in his locker, which was inaccessible, due to the locked door.

He tugged on the door, once, twice, three times, before giving up. He slumped against the wall, debating on whether or not he should try to run home, maybe step into a store, or under the overhang of a strangers roof, whenever he needed to catch a breath. Of course, he had heard, on an episode of MythBusters, that running in the rain actually caused you to get more rain on you than walking.

Well, there goes that idea. Keith thought miserably.

He tried to debate in his mind what he should protect with his cropped jacket, himself, or his non-waterproof bag that held homework, his laptop, his favorite book, and many other items that, five miles of walking in the rain, would destroy.

Keith decided his items were more important than his own self-care so began to pull off his jacket, to wrap around his bag, but before he could a voice cut him off.

"Keith? Are you okay?" Keith looked up and saw none other than Lance McClain, his hair wet, his clothes different than the ones he was wearing this morning. He had the faint smell of chlorine on him. Keith realized the reason why he wasn't in the art room today was that he had swimming practice on Tuesdays. Keith felt like an idiot. He had practically memorized this boys schedule and he didn't remember something as obvious as swimming practice.

Klancey May 2019Where stories live. Discover now