Having an Affair with My Soon-to-Be Stepdad [13]

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Here's the next part :)

Hope you like it :))



I woke up the next morning with last night's scenario still stuck in my head. I sat up and felt my chest. "Yup, I didn't have a heart attack yet," I said sarcastically. I jumped up suddenly as I heard a knock on the door and James stepped in.

"So I see you're talking to yourself," he said with a grin, tying his tie.

I looked away and realized what utter resentment I had for him. "Listen, I don't wanna see your face right now. Please, just leave," I said, carefully checking my wording. After all, he owned the place.

He sounded offended. "I'm not here to see you anyway. Some chick's at the door asking for you," he said. With that, I heard footsteps leaving the room and finally looked up.

I sighed, tied my hair into a lazy bun and put on a loose red cardigan. I walked down the hall, wondering who could be asking for me at this hour. I went to the door and opened it. "Miri!" Destiny shouted out as she saw me. She grabbed me into a hug and then jumped back. "Damn, you need a tic-tac!"

I rolled my eyes and said, "Thanks for the kind morning salutations." I grumpily left the door open and sat down on the couch.

She stepped in, wearing a small red blazer, black Jeggings, and a pair of black pumps. "Whatchyu so down about?" she asked, flopping down next to me and taking off her sunglasses. "Come on, get ready! We can call Jimmy and hit up Sephora or something."

"No!" I said quickly. "Don't!" I suddenly remembered the way I had treated him yesterday. I cringed and turned away.

"....Okaaaaaay," she said in an offended tone. "What's wrong with your ass? I'm just trying to invite you to a friendly little get-together with-"

I cut her off before she could get too offended. "No, it's just....Jimmy won't like Sephora. He's a dude, remember? I don't think makeup will interest too much," I said, quickly recovering myself.

"Oh," she said suspiciously. "Then we'll just hang at the mall."

"I don't know, Dee," I said, falling against the couch unenthusiastically. "I don't feel like going out today. I think I'm getting a cold," I said pathetically.

"Sure....In the middle of summer?" Destiny asked unbelievingly. "Listen," she said angrily. "I know when I'm not wanted." She was about to pull on her sunglasses when I grabbed her arm.

"Let me just get ready." I said, groaning.

"Hurry up!! We only have like....twenty-five minutes left!" she said, sitting back down and grabbing the remote.

I stood up and saw somebody suddenly get in my way, blocking my path. I looked up to see James giving me a critical look. "Where do you think you're going?"

I looked away and rolled my eyes, blowing my bangs away angrily. "Wherever I feel like going, now get out of my way." I tried to push past him but he grabbed my hand. I shook his away.

"Hey! I have a responsibility to look after from now on, so think you can do whatever the hell you want. No, little girl. Not under my roof," he said angrily. He glared at me and I glared back.

Destiny stepped in quickly. "Excuse me sir, but me and Mirage are just gonna be hanging out at the mall with a couple of other girls," she said sheepishly. "It's really not a big deal, Mr...."

"Wright," he said with his jaw clenched tightly.

"Mr. Wright. I'm Destiny Millaniaise. John Millanaise's daughter," she said, showing off just a bit.

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