10 - Otherworldly

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They arrived at the shop, which looked like a tent in the front and a large shed in the back. Kris hadn't studied it so intently before now. Judging by how loosely those fabric pieces holding up the front curtain are held together, the Dark World doesn't get strong wind or rain.

"Does it rain here?" Kris asked curiously.

Obviously, this didn't make sense to the Dark Prince, knowing nothing but his own territory most of his life. "Does what reign here? I don't think anyone reigns in the forest, as far as I know."

Kris looked at Ralsei, confused. "I mean rain. Does it rain in the Dark World?"


"Does water fall from clouds in little drops?" Kris tried their hardest not to sound condescending.

"No, that's silly." The Prince chuckled. "That happens in the Light World?"

"Yes. That's called rain. R-A-I-N. Any falling water would destroy the shop, that's why I asked."

"Oh. All our water comes from one long running river. It runs behind everywhere we've been. I never said anything because I thought it wouldn't interest you."

Kris looked up at the "doorframe." "I guess this really is a different world." Then they faced their companion again. "But it seems to me you learn and grow the same."


The air inside was filled with the familiar scent of sandalwood. Nothing much had changed, other than what the two already knew. Unlike the other times, the old shopkeeper wasn't there.

"Seam? It's me." Ralsei called.

For a moment, no noises could be heard, then light shuffling came from the back of the Seap. Kris focused on the curtain in front of them in the direction of the sound.

Shortly after the sound came a voice. "Um...Seam isn't here right now, dear Prince. But he will soon return!"

"Ah." Ralsei lightly touched the back of Kris's hand. "It's just Jevil here right now."

Kris moved their hand away. "Yeah. I see." They murmured coldly.

Ralsei began to think too much about that movement of their hand. By now it's the second time he's made physical contact without their permission. He looked at his own hands in guilt and spoke just above a whisper. "I'm sorry. I did it again, didn't I?"


He glanced up them, only by reaction, and hesitated to speak. "I didn't ask to touch your hand."

"Hey. I wasn't offended, just- shocked." They assured, meaning to sound to him they meant no harm. "Don't worry about it, sweetheart."

Sweetheart?! A nickname? This soon? "...Let's sit down. Just right here." He gestured to the old chairs behind to the left of him. "Seam told me it's okay."

As the two had taken their seats in the unofficial "living area" of the Seap, Jevil called to Ralsei again, but still doesn't reveal himself. "Prince? There's someone with you, yes?"

"It's just Kris! They won't hurt you."

Kris always hated someone else speaking for them. But they can't let Ralsei know that. "Yeah! I won't hurt you. As long as you don't hurt us."

"Uee hee hee! Oh, believe me! I'm not like that anymore!"

"Will you leave us alone?" Kris asked finally, their voice implying they were starting to get annoyed.

No response.


Now they could only hope that the single most spontaneous, erratic being they ever encountered wasn't listening to the two new lovers.

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