Chapter ︳01

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Koi no yokan

(Japanese/n.) The extraordinary sense upon meeting someone that you will one day fall in love.

) The extraordinary sense upon meeting someone that you will one day fall in love

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~ Ying Yue Jiang ~

My eyes widen at the action that unfolded in front of me.

Helpers were scattered everywhere, some cleaning while others were decorating. Their faces all scrunched up as they concentrated hard on their tasks – just watching them tired me out.

It's not like we lived in a grand castle – just a larger building, where meetings could be held, and a grand hall in the center where events took place. But with the amount of ruckus going on, one would think they were decorating a kingdom.


A soft yelp caught my attention, causing me to turn on my heel, only to see a worn-out Kima. Her cheeks were red from her uneven huffs, her brown hairs poking out of her braids as she carried a roll of blue carpet in her arms. Her frequently neat appearance seemed lost, her blue shawl almost falling off her shoulders.

Without thinking twice, I reached forward to relieve her of the weight, but she shook her head, "I have to go deliver this quickly!"

"Why is everyone so rushed?" I questioned as she hassled by.

Not stopping, she shouted over her shoulder, "Turns out Fire Lord Zuko is arriving a day earlier than expected, easy sails. Now there's so much to do for tomorrow, but I'll wake you in the morning, sharp!"

With that, she was gone - my eyes widened in amazement.

Her figure turned to nothing more but a tiny spec, blending in with the others. He's...coming early...My head tilted to the side, taking in the newfound information. I had just finished my last activities for today; the news of Fire Lord Zuko's early arrival a surprise.

A hand fell upon my shoulder, a delicate pat that could only belong to one person.

"Aang?" I gasped, turning to my right.

There he stood, with those soft eyes and warm smile, an expression that would have anyone at ease in seconds. The touch of a spirit.

Aang had changed so much from the three years I have lived here. He was tall, about the same height as Sokka. But while Sokka worked out constantly, aiming for the buff build - Aang maintained his lean figure. I could vaguely recall Katara gushing about some new facial hair Aang started sporting just last month. Something about a beard.

"Do you see this madness?" I asked him – dazed.

Aang laughed, a laugh that easily carried despite the chaos around us. "I kind of regret inviting him to vacation here ..." Aang mused while scratching the back of his head.

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