Chapter ︳07

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(Finnish/n.) The extraordinary determination in the face of adversity.

~ Ying Yue Jiang ~

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~ Ying Yue Jiang ~

"Although tempting, I prefer you don't hurt Zuko, Master Pakku," I said with a giggle as I sipped away on my hot cup of tea. Master Pakku shrugged his shoulders before seating himself on the fluffy couch while slipping away on his mug. He looked confused as to why I would reject such an 'amazing' offer. I smiled tenderly over my tea, finding myself in a trance, as I absentmindedly watched the tinted green water sway side to side in the cup.

I was confused, oh so confused. After the chaos that unravelled yesterday, Gran-Gran was kind enough to let me stay the night and cry out every emotion that I had. I was disappointed in myself; I should have remained calm, not snap like how I did. But between the argument with Katara and Zuko, I guess I had reached my limit. Gosh, Zuko. I bite my lip thinking about him again, was it stupid of me to still crave his company after everything he did? That in my weakest moment, my instinct was to cry to Zuko, even though he was the reason I was upset? Flashes of Zuko being shocked, angry, and then disappointed kept replaying in my mind.

"What are you thinking about so hard, you look like you are ready to run back to him," Gran-Gran spoke as she poured tea into her cup, it was clear her nose was still a bit stuffy from her cold. I looked up at her, a bit startled. "I-I don't know. I keep remembering his face. He looked so surprised when Katara mentioned his engagement." Gran-Gran snorted and waved away my concerns, "He was shocked because he got caught, that's why. You can't trust men." Master Pakku raised a brow at Gran-Gran, and coughed, "I'm right here you know?" He said defensively. Gran-Gran began swatting her hand once again, "That includes you too." She said as she turned back around and continued cooking away.

I smiled looking at Master Pakku's face of defeat, before he let out a breath and whispered just loud enough for me to hear, "That's why I love her, she is a feisty one." Master Pakku gazed over Gran-Gran with a look of pure admiration before he took another sip, "She acts all big and tough, but give her one compliment, and she crumbles." He said with a chuckle. I smiled, seeing the way Master Pakku and Gran-Gran interacted made me happy yet blue, would Zuko and I have been like that? I groaned to myself, "What do I do?" I whispered.

"Hear him out." My head shot upwards, surprised to notice it was Master Pakku who spoke. He noticed my astonishment because he continued, "Your Grandmother is stubborn alright, but like any grandparent, it's not a nice feeling to see your grandchildren get hurt. But if your gut is telling you something is wrong, listen to it. Should Fire Lord Zuko be engaged, do you not think that word of it would travel around the Nations? It would be quite a grand occasion." He began. I listened carefully, taking note of what he was trying to hint, could it have been a misunderstanding? There was truth to his words, anything that ever happened with royalty always resulted in gossip amongst all Nations, could Katara have made a mistake?

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