School's Out

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Your PoV

"GEORGE!!" I complain to my boyfriend of almost a year about the torture my school puts us through; making us do essays and maths and science in the unusual 30 degree heat of London. THANK GOD ITS DONE

George is in London from Bedford for the weekend to see me. It's officially half term now so once the weekend is over George is taking me up to Bedford with him to spend the whole week with him and his family at Centre Parcs. Reece's family have gone to Italy, making use of all the sun and Lexi's Half term. And Blake has gone to visit Abbie wherever she lives - I can never remember - because he has nothing else to do.

"Y/N" he shouts back, his hand in mine as we stop at traffic lights my hand over his gear stick. He's very proud thats he's just passed his driving test.





I laugh at him as he drives across the driveway of my house.

He takes my hand and swings the as we walk down the driveway with my bag. I open the door to an empty house as my parents are at work and i run to my room to get changed. George follows. I don't mind.

I dump my bag down and grab my clothes from my wardrobe.

George lies on my bed on his phone while I change.

I put on my leggings and one of his t-shirts that he let me keep (one of many). I tie my hair up and take his hand as we run to the garden for a sit down. I make some cool drinks in the kitchen and lay with our fingers and legs tangled up on the hammock.

He tucks my hair behind my ear. The two of us are so close on the tiny hammock. He holds me safely in and I grip his waist in case he falls.

"It's so hot" i complain as i lay my head on his chest - just like I always do.

"I know baby." He holds me close despite the heat because as hot as it is because I always feel comfortable in his embrace.

His eyes leave mine for a second and i follow his gaze behind me. A cheeky grin forms on his face as he gets up and runs towards the hose pipe. I run after him and because I'm faster i get there first and turn the tap on. But he gets the hose first and I turn around to run and he gets me in the face. I put my hand up to cover my face and the back splash dampens him slightly. He bend down and dive for the hose. I pull it hard enough for George to let go and spray him back. He tickles me, making me let go and attaches the hose to the sprinkler base. Water gushes out of the sprinlker and I runs to play some music on his phone. The shuffle lands on Perfume and i watch him recoil. He hates listening to his music with me.

Anyhow he takes my hand and we slow dance in the sprinkler.

The song changes to Paradise by George Ezra and we jump around like maniacs.

One again in changes to our song - Perfect

He holds me close and I run me hands through his hair, stuck to his face. Mine is. Mess but he hold it like its gold and we look at each other like there's nothing better. There isnt.

We shut the sprinkler off halfway through the song and he pauses the song. He runs inside leaving me for a minute.

And then he walks out singing Perfect and i cringe but laugh.. Hes so cute goddamn it

He talks my hands and sings ac Capella. We sit on the hammock and i lie with my head on his lap and he finishes the song.

I hug his wet body and lays next to me. He holds my wet body against his and we get closer. He kisses me softly till I respond with love and longing in every movement.

I pull away and allow myself to just be present with him. And he does the same. Soon we're asleep in the evening sun.

What a way to start Half term with my love.

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