Another Year Over

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George's PoV

"This year has been the worst and best year so far for us, hasn't it?" I say to y/n as we sit, having just arrived at my mum's house to ring in the new year with our family. Her family will be over soon, too.

"What an awful start lol."

"I literally didn't see you for almost two months at the start of the year. You know, I thought that if this was how the year was starting what the hell is gonna happen for the rest?" she laughs a little

"Me too. i was scared, I'm not going to lie. I love tour and writing and LA and everything but seriously, missing you is awful" I reply

"But tour makes missing me worth it. and for me, seeing you happy in your makes missing you worth it." she says

I kiss her check from behind and she lays further into my chest.

"But then I feel like it all changed. The Shepherd's Bush tour was amazing. The Vamps tour, my first with you, was indescribable and then the two nights at Shepherd's Bush. It definitely made the first three months worth it. Almost every night for two months i saw you do the same thing with a different passion and love but come off every night high on the energy of the crowd and the other two."

"Those too months were a career and relationship highlight. Honestly. If i hadn't taken you on that tour, I'm going to say it, I'm not sure we'd be here together right now."

"I agree. It allowed us to solidify us. To just sit back and revel in our relationship instead of worrying where you are or missing you so much i think about life without you."

"Have you ever?"

"Thought about life without you?" I nod "If you were anyone else i would have But i've known you for too long to imagine a world without you in it. So no. But I know that i might have because the year and started so badly for us."

"And then summer. The summer of summers. Newcastle, Malaga, Leeds, Liverpool, London. A lot of London."

"Those festivals were insane, George. Every single one of the people in the crowd was involved and there were so many types of people, and so many types of music as well."

"It was insane."

"Then the US and Asia."

"On my own. Well without you."

"Yeah but the year had gone so well I was confident in us."

"Me too."

"And the rest was all plain sailing. You were in London most the time afterwards, and when you weren't you were an hour away and that was ok for me."

"Thanks for an amazing year."

"Thank you"


All the family is in the living room when the bell rings. Only my mum, y/n/n and I are expecting anyone so everyone else is confused.

There are a lot of people outside.

Dad goes to open the door and Northern and Scottish accents fill the air. Reece and Blake with their parents, sisters and girlfriends.

They all come inside and there's even more talking. So now, on top of me and my parents and y/n, as well as Eleanor and Caitlin, my cousins, there's 10 more people.


About half an hour later the "kids" aka Caitlin, Eleanor, me and y/n/n, the boys and their girlfriends and sisters, are playing articulate around the dinner table while our parents all chat and chill. It's around 10:30 and we've just sat down to play.

It's always so fun to hang out with everyone at New Years because it's like my work life and family are all together and it's just amazing.

it's girls ca boys so my cousins, y/n/n, Beth and Tasha as well as Abbie and Lexi are on one team while it's just me, Blake and Reece in the lads' team.

"Y/N/N. Come on our team please"

"Nope" she says. "I'm staying with the gals."

"Beth?" Reece asks. She shakes her head "Ok Lexi? We need people."

"No. You're not dumb. Oh wait you are. Good luck" she says.

"Cheeky litt-"

"Reece mate chill" Blake says, before Reece tickles fights his sister.

My phone pings.

Y/N/N- Their sibling ship is so cute omg

I chuckle.

George- Yep. Still never want a sister.

Caitlin throws me a look. "Oi" She says.

Everyone looks at her. I explain and then everyone laughs

This is what I live about Christmas and Nee Year. Everyone acts stupid and no one cares.



We're all outside. Couples are together, out sisters and cousins are in a huddle.

We're in the balcony thing my da made earlier this year. y/n/n is leaning on the railing and i'm hugging her from the back. My dad is setting the fireworks on timer and comes back to sit with my mum.

He's placed the fireworks artfully so helps beloved train set isn't ruined.












I just hold her. Tight in my arms. I hope the year is the same. Me and her. close.

Our families and friends around us.

But us. Always us. 

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