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Using my name in this one bc I made a joke about my nickname that fits with he humour, sooooo

Rhianna's PoV

"I'm so bored," I say to George, my boyfriend of two years.

"Me too," he replies.

"And it's so bloody cold," I complain.

"Urgh. I know. The radiators feel like they're not even on. WHY SNOW WHY!"

I laugh and kiss his temple and he squeezes my hand with the hand that isn't scrolling through Twitter.

We're sitting in the sofa in the Smith house, in front of the TV with the music room behind us. I'm wearing one of George's jumpers on top of one of mine and a long sleeved tee shirt. I've been staying at George's since yesterday because we've been snowed in and school is cancelled. Rare for my school because they love staying open even during Wars. But the snow was too bad and unsafe for anyone to go in so I went to George's when it wasn't so bad and went out and I was trapped. But it's with George so it's not really trapped.

Our hands are laced and his arm is around my shoulders holding me tightly. My right hand is behind him and my left on his shoulder. We're both looking through his phone and filming cute Insta story videos and we're now on a bit of a Twitter scroll but there's nothing interesting so we're just bored.

"Do you want me to take you out?" He says, because he can drive and I can't quite yet.

"Where shall we go?"

"Wherever you want, my love."

"My love."

"Do you not like it"

I kiss his temple again. "I love it. Anyway. Let's go out."

"You better wrap up"

"You sound like my dad"

"Shut up Rhi. But I'm serious. Your dad will have my head if I take you home ill"

"Then I won't go home" and I kiss his temple one more time.

"You have to go home at one point. But anyway let's get out of here"

He gets up and we walk to the door to put coats and things on. He puts on scarf gloves and his Spurs beanie on while I put on my NHC bobble hat, gloves and scarf. And my puffa jacket.

We walk out the door to George's car and set off.

"Where we off to, them?"


"Really? We went there last week!"



I laugh and he takes my hand and we do the gears together.

We spend the journey listening to music and singing along. Finally we park up and get out.

We walk towards the trampoline park hand in hand.

"You know, I wouldn't care where we went but Bounce is my favourite place. I mean it's our place." I say.

"Yeah I guess so, my love"

"Never stop calling me that"

"I never want to."

"Ok enough of the cheesy. Let's get inside"

We get inside, pay and get our special socks.

We're freezing and the car journey was slower than normal because of the snow.
We put our overclothes in a locker and go inside. We have an hour.

The two of us sound the whole hour messing around in an almost empty Bounce because it's snowing and no one wants to come. There's barely any staff either.

Every-time I fall, George catches me. Every-time he slips I steady him. We always have a good time and it's always because we're together.

About 15 minutes to the end of a session I see a girl in my class on the other side of the park. She's not really that nice about me and George, especially when she found out I was an NHC fan. She calls that kind of music "wet" music and it's really bad. She thinks the only "real" type of music is rap and songs about sex and getting drunk. If only she knew a world beyond that.

So I do my best to keep away from that. I don't want a repeat of the time George came to pick me up once. Everyone made fun of him for dating someone younger and it's awful. I can't take people hurting him. It's hurts him and that's not ok with me.

But, just my luck, she comes over to our area and see me.

I take G to the corner.


"Don't. Just follow me."

"Ok. But-" he goes to look behind but I go to move his head but it's too late. He sees her and they see us.

"Oh hey Train Boy. Taking out the rubbish today?" the girl, Tiya, says and sniggers.

I squeeze George's hand to stop him from retaliating. I pull him back buts it's too late. His face is red and his muscles tighten.

"What you gonna do? Call your mum to kick a football in my head? Call your poor old retired dad to run me over with his kiddy train set? You can't touch me, Gresley."

I walk up so I'm level with George and squeeze his hand again. We look at each other.

"You know what, Tiya?" I say

"I would call my mum and my dad" George continues

"If only you were worth it." I say

"Hmph" she scoffs "If only I was worth it? Shouldn't you be asking each other if you're worth each other? Because Gresley, you don't know the insides of Rhianna's life. The first hinges she does when you're not around. And Rhianna? Haven't you every thought about the fact that your own boyfriend spends more time with boys that are probably gay than you?"

"F*** off Tiya." I say. "You can take all the p*** out of me if you like but you do NOT diss my boyfriend and my best mates. You don't know the s*** they go through for each other."

"And as for being worth it? If you were worth it, you'd be my girlfriend. But you're not either of those things. So what I found my other half in someone younger than me? I love her and that's more you can say about you and all those boys"

She opens her mouth to speak and closes it. She does this several times before George bends down, I jump in his back and we walk past her.

When we get into the car after our session we just laugh for ages

"Will you just call your mum to kick a football" George mocks Tiya

We laugh.

"Seriously though George?"


"How do you deal with people calling you and the boys gay even though you're not?"

"Honestly? We all knew it was coming from day 1. But we know we're not and so to sort of stop the assumptions we try and be public about our girlfriends so it doesn't happen as much. And as for people like Tiya, well she's a jealous bitch and she won't see what's coming for her if she keeps thinking like that. We're best mates and that's that"

"Ok. Have I told you I love you today?"

"Yep but I'll hear it a thousand times and never tire. I love you too."

My life is definitely incomplete without George Stephan Gresley Smith.

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