Whoever He is

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Rhianna's PoV

"Merry Christmas, my love", I turns around in his embrace and runs my finger along his jaw and cheek.

"Merry Christmas babygirl" he brings my body closer to his and kisses my forehead.

"What do you want to do today, sweet?" I asks him.

"Aren't we going to your mums for lunch?"

"We are. Your family will be there. my family will be there. It's going to be perfect. But before we go there. it's 8am. We don't have to be there till 1pm. What do you wanna do?"

"Presents." He asks with an excited expression on his face.

"Ok. Let's go." My eyes twinkle and I takes his hand and lead him out of the bedroom.

He picks me up bridal style and I giggles, because this is happiness. him and me. me and him. He runs down the stairs in our perfect home.

The living room is decorated perfectly. Christmas rings in every corner. There are trees and wreaths and garlands and i marvel at everything i see. it doesn't matter that we put the decorations up slightly lopsided it with an awful colour scheme. What matters is us. Our love over everything else.

The bottom of the tree is filled with presents. from me to him. Form him to me.

There has to be at least a diesel things in there

"Baby, you go first" He tells me. "I've numbered them. you have to open them in that order

I take them all out and line them up, four presents lined up.

I open the first one.

It's a suitcase. It reads "open me"

So I do.

It's full of clothes.

I dish through them. There are TONS of clothes. mostly for spring or summer wear, all organised in George's frustratingly organised way.

"George? You-"

"It will all make sense at the end."

I open the next one.

It's a skateboard and a pair of roller skates.

I'm growing extremely confused.

"Keep going, my love."

So i open the penultimate one.

plane tickets spill everywhere and that's all. There are airport codes that i don't understand. one airport to the next with several dates between them

Now I open the last one.

It's a box. Full of lanyards.

Each one has a different arena and city in the world on it. And at the bottom, a paper.

A letter

Hey, babygirl.

You're confused. I see it in your face. Maybe now, you've put the pieces together?

Look at the dates on the tickets and the cities in the lanyards. The clothes in that case are for you to wear at those places and that board and skates are so you can skate around with us boys.

Now you've most probably worked out; my dearest; you're coming on tour with us.

I stop reading, turn around to face him, my eyes welling with tears.

"Are you serious?"


"Smiffs ..."

I smash my body into his larger one and laugh and cry and he holds me.

He cups my cheeks in his hands.

"Are you excited, dearest?"

i can only muster a smile and a nod.


He gleamed at every present I had gotten him. His eyes smiling with his teeth.

It's perfect and i love it.


Christmas day.

I look at the two presents under my tree in my apartment in London. Presents shipped from Australia where my parents, my only family live.

I turn on my phone to find a missed FaceTime from them half an hour ago

I missed the only opportunity to talk them until my birthday in June.

Solitude fills my apartment.

My phone pings again.

a YouTube notification.

"New from New Hope Club: Whoever He Is (Christmas Song)"

If only a fantasy could be wished to life.

*I thought of you this morning
Bet you didn't do the same.
Keep searching through my presents but
I don't ever see your name*

My heart squeezes tears from my welled up eyes.

This is all i have had for Christmas for 7 years. I click the notification and allow three boys, so emotionally distant from me to take me back to that fantasy world.

*I know Ill never be the top of your list
But i'm glad you found the one that you're happy with.
Whoever He Is*

George Smith ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz