Next Door

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Your PoV

As I walk down the road to my house from school I see a removal van in the distance. I brush it off as someone on the other side of the road. No one ever moves in next door to us; our whole road is so quiet but people come for a year and leave again. A year actually if they're lucky. If they really like it. But I like that. Gives me a chance to enjoy where we live properly and not get other people. Me and my family are the only people to have lived there for more than 3 years- we've been there all my life.

But as I get closer; the removal van is the house next door to mine indeed. Three teenage-ish boys are moving in. I recognise them.

But it can't be them. They live in Macclesfield, Accrington and Bedford. Not London.

But I get outside my house on the last day of school; thus wearing my own clothes - which today happened to be their hoodie. The black one with doodles on it. They take the last of the boxes inside and the van leaves. They high five and celebrate.

I wipe my eyes and pinch myself.

It's New Hope Club.

I go forward to say hi but I think "No. No. this is Nee Hope Club. You can't just go up to them like they're your mates"

So I turn to walk to my house but He calls out.

"Hey neighbour!!"

George's voice is clearer in real life compared to through a screen.

I snap towards him and smile nervously.

"Oh hi. Um welcome to the neighbourhood I guess."

"Thanks." He says. "Um what was your name?"

"Oh. Sorry. I'm y/n. And I'm a big fan I've been watching your covers since Reece's days with Stereo Kicks and Ive been to all your concerts; I was even at Shepherds Bush and I got to get merch. But I've never met you and this is cool" Everything tumbles out and comes from nowhere. "Um sorry. Umm that all just came out. Im really embarrassing and yeah. Sorry" a sob escapes my lips and George's comes over to me. He takes my hand and takes me closer to them.

"Don't worry about that." Blake says, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Trust us we've been more awkward than that."

The realisation hits me quick. He first time I meet New Hope Club and I can't control myself. Tear and sobs fall harder and faster. George lets me fall into him and holds me as I cry. Dammit why are they so perfect?

George takes me to the grass next the driveway and I lean against him to calm down as the other two sit near me.

"I'm sorry. I'm not crying because of what you said" I say, after calming down. "It's just. Wow. I shocked myself about how socially inept I am" I laugh a little and they laugh too.

"Don't worry y/n. Us too. Especially me" George says. "I hate speaking in interviews because I'll just embarrass myself."

You laugh.

"Anyway," Reece says. "Nice hoodie."

You laugh and they join.

"Thanks. I have good taste in bands."

"That you do" and I laugh.

"Wow. Great first day in the new place. Made a friend." George says.

"I wouldn't consider me a friend. You wouldn't want to be caught dead around me."

"Woah woah. Who told you that?"

"Everyone in my class. Um. I get bullied. Pretty badly."

"Well, I have words with your class and school then. How can anyone hate this?" George says.

"Don't worry about what they say y/n. You have us and no one else in that school can say they're friends with someone who used to be on X Factor and his new band mates" Blake says.

"True. Thank you boys."

"Anytime. Whenever you need to be a crying mess, let us know because we like feeling helpful"

You all laugh.

You hug them individually and George sneakily kisses your head and they walk you home.

"Woah. What a walk. I need to sleep now" George says.

You laugh

"Thank you boys. I feel like I can be myself around you and that's all I need."

"Our pleasure."

You exchange numbers and you go inside while they walk back.

Wow. Who knew?


A few days later I'm home alone and the doorbell rings.

It's George.

"Oh hey George. Sup?"

Sup? Really y/n? Sup? George Smith from New Hope Club is standing at your door and you come up with "sup?"

"The Sky I guess." He laughs, and I relax a little. It's ok. He's a good just like you. "Anyway I came over here for two reasons. Do you have any milk we could have? Um we just ran out, Reece isn't too well and neither of us can drive to get some because he needs some warm milk."

"Oh gosh is he ok? Um yeah come through we buy in pints because we all have different milks. I'll just give you a pint and then cycle to the store later and buy some more." He follows me into the kitchen straight through from the entrance.

"Wow you guys have done the place up really nicely."

"Um thanks. We've been here all my life and so my parents wanted to make it home."

"Home it is. Um thanks for the milk". He says as he takes the milk scratching the back of his neck.

"You ok?"

"y/n..." he stares into my eyes and something unspoken passes between us.


He smashes his lips into mine. I am shocked but I kiss back and we pull away after a few seconds.

"Um sorry. I. Uh. I'm. Uh. I like you y/n"

"It's nothing George. I like you too." More than you'll ever know.

He smiles and turns for the door.

"Need me to come over? Help out with Reece? I'm a trained first aider. I know how to help with colds and flus and stuff."

Suddenly Reece and Blake come running into the house.

"What the hell?!"

"Me being ill was an excuse for George to come tell you his feelings. I'm not ill. But we do need milk. So thanks." Reece says.

"Um ok-" I say

"We were watching from the hedge and then the door." Blake says.

"Oh my god! Creeps" I say.

"It was worth it not gonna lie" George says, slipping a hand a round my waist.

"I guess so"

"Anyway. You all up for a kick about in the park?" Reece says


So I lock up the house and we go to the park.




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