The Middle

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George's PoV

"y/n/n!! Are you ok?" I run down the stairs, my anger dissipating as I rush to help my girlfriend.

"I'll be fine" she returns curtly and sits on the step on which she fell dusting herself off. I sit next to her but she moves to the other side of the step as far away from me as possible.

Suddenly my anger bubbles up again after and I stand up and face her.

"I can't help it when I go away ok? If we need to go to LA for a writing session, we need to go away. Sometimes it's out of my hands. Ben or Tanner make the decisions based on progress and this trip is necessary." I point my finger downwards as I finish.

She stands up and retaliates in my face.

"You came back from LA a month ago. AFTER A MONTH AWAY! We barely talk anymore because you're off at festivals or concerts or tour rehearsals or in the studio here or in Bournemouth. You spend more time away from me than you do here!! For gods sake George, understand your fucking priorities!"

"You are my priority, y/n." I hold her forearms and look at her face. She scoffs and loosens my grip and goes to her living room.

"It doesn't feel like it sometimes." She whispers on her way. Quietly. But loud enough for me to hear.

"And I try to make it up to you."

"You don't even try to meet me in the middle! You make me work around your schedule. Staying up late and waking up early so you can spend time with me. But I'm bloody sick of it George. I can't live around your timings anymore! I have things I want to do and I can't spend my life running to your drumbeat. "

"How did we end up in this mess, y/n/n?" I say, falling on to the sofa

"Because YOU feel the need to micromanage my life. And I'm sick of it. That's how"

"Come here. Pull me close and tell me what I can do. I can't just let you go"

She takes my hand and puts her arms around me.

"Meet me in the middle, love " she breathes. Calmer but anger still hinting within her words

"But how? I don't contr-"

She takes my hand and we go into the kitchen. I look at the remains of our fight.

Floors are wet and taps are still running, dishes are broken.

How did it become this bad? The aggression. I only meant our best intentions for us.

She holds me close on the wet floor as if to protect herself from falling.

"You have control of your feelings, my love. So show me how you feel. Do everything in your power to make ends meet. I want you to be happy I do. I want to be with you. But I want to watch you in the studio or on stage singing your heart out. For me. Show me in everything you do that you genuinely want to be better. And I'll do the same. I'll wake up knowing I'll see you in the evening. You'll be in the studio knowing it's making so many people happy - and so making me happy. You have an effect on so many people, my sweet. Live for those people. And I'll stand with you and hold your hand. I promise you that. That's my middle"

"I will. With every pore of my body, y/n. Everything I do is because you're sitting waiting for me to put a smile on your face. And that puts the smile on my face." I tuck her hair behind her ear and wipe a tear off both our cheeks. "I swear from now on, my love. Everything is to wipe these floors dry. Replace the broken plates. Restock the bare cabinets. Put a smile on the most beautiful face in the world, my sweet. I swear"

I rest my forehead on hers and we lean in to kiss gently.

"I'll meet you there any day"

George Smith ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now