1. The vase of destruction

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Loki always loved the gardens and most of the time when he was free, he would spend his morning or afternoon there. There was something about the little pond and all the flowers that made him feel at ease.

He remembered the first time that he had been here. It was his mother that took him to the gardens after he had thrown a big tantrum. His father was about to snap at him when his mother offered to take him outside to the gardens, probably to stop the drama that was about to unfold. It was already late in the afternoon and the sun had already set. It was fairly cold outside but that never bothered Loki. He didn't know why.

He remembered how the reflection of the moon in the little pond was so beautiful that he would just stare at it. Without saying anything. He didn't remember how long they stood there, but is was probably a very long time. It was one of his best memories. Just standing there, without saying a word. It was really calming, that's why he always came here if he needed to calm down.

Now he was sitting here, with a book on his lap,looking over the water. It was a nice spring morning. It was still a bit cold outside but the sun was already shining brightly up in the sky. He had taken one of his favorite books that he had stolen from the library and he was now reading it outside, what seemed like the thousand time. The book was about a girl that was mistreated by her parents. She left her hometown and was now living the live she always wanted. Full off adventure.


'Hello brother!'
Loki heard from a distance. Immediately his smile faded, because he knew that whenever Thor appeared on the scene, something went wrong. Thor was all muscles and no braines, and most off the time he was an asshole too.

He closed his book and scanned the gardens for Thor. He needed to be prepared for the torment that was about to come.

And there he was, walking towards Loki with his friends. Fandral and Sif. They didn't like Loki much, Loki didn't have a problem with Fandral not liking him, other then the bullying. But Sif...
She was a jerk to him, but there was something about her that he loved, and he couldn't quite pinpoint it. Maybe it was the way she walked or her smile. And her laugh. When she laughed he practically drolled over her.

'Hello Thor.' He said, not prepared to the conversation that was about to follow after this little introduction. If you even could call it a conversation.

'Hey squirt, what ya reading?' Fandral asked while grapping the book out of Loki's hands, throwing it from on hand to another.

'Please give it back Fandral.' Loki said standing up. He was almost as tall as Fandral, but Fandral was two times as broad which made him very intimidating. Loki looked at Thor, and from the site of it, Thor was enjoying what was happening in front of him.

'Give back what?' Sif asked, a smirk appearing on her face. She took the book from Fandrals hands and was about to throw it in the pond.

'No wait, please don't do that. I will do anything, just give it back.' Loki pleaded, he couldn't lose this book, it was to dear to him.

Then Sif threw his book in the pond.
'No!' Loki cried, looking at the book as it slowly sank in the clear water.
'Why did you do that?'
Sif smirked, but didn't say anything.

Loki didn't feel anger towards her, he couldn't. Instead he felt like he could cry, but he knew crying wouldn't do him any good either. He looked at Thor, looking for support, but inside he knew that he wouldn't get it.
Fandral started to laugh and that made Loki feel even worse. They were laughing at his misery. Thor didn't care about him, he didn't love him. And this realization broke Loki's heart. What he would give for a brother that loved him, a brother that played with him, that laughed with him, not at him.

Loki turned away from Thor and his friends. He wanted to run away, run away from everything.
But there was something Loki wanted more. He wanted to punch Fandral in the face, really bad. He thought for a second and then turned around and spit in his face. The second he did it he knew he made a mistake.

'What did you just do?!' Thor yelled, pushing Loki. It took Loki a second to regain balance, he had no chance fighting against Thor.

'I... I didn't... I am sorry... I...' And then he got punched in his face. The pain was enormous and he felt something crack. Blood dripping all over his face.

'I'm sworrwy.' He said, waves of blood getting in his mouth. He was an idiot! For thinking that he could stand up to Thor and his friends.
Completely panicking, he looked around for a way out. He saw Thor and Fandral laughing, but he didn't see Sif anywhere. Maybe she had run off, called help. No, she would never do that. She liked this stuff. She got a kick off it. They all did.

'NO WAIT!' Thor yelled to somebody behind Loki, but before Loki could turn around to see who Thor was talking to he got hit on the head by an enormous force.

Then everything went black.


Loki woke up by a splash of water on his face. Not the most pleasant way to wake up.

He tried to sit up but his body heavily protested. It all came back to him now. How he had lost his book, how he had spat on Fandrals face and how he got beaten up. He wondered were he was, but his eyes refused to register anything other than big spat's of light. He was outside, that's for sure. He heard voice talking around him, maybe it were healers? No, that would mean that Thor had brought him here. And Thor would lose his flawless reputation if someone discovered that he had beaten up his little brother.

'Seriously, my fathers vase?!' He heard someone yell. His tone off voice indicated that they had been arguing for a long time.

'I told you I was sorry! But we have a plan to fix this right?' A second voice said. Loki senses were still not in there best state because of the enormous hit he got on the head. But he could recognize Sif voice as the second. He shut his eyes. The pain in his head was enormous. He had a concussion, at least.

'We just have to wait until he wakes up.' The first voice said.

Loki groaned while he opens his eyes again. He can see clear now. His was still in the gardens, with Thor and Sif. He couldn't see Fandral anywhere, but he must have been there too.

Loki looks at the pond on his left, it water calm and shining. He hated it. He hated the pain an he hated the gardens and he hated Thor.

He tried to sit up again, this time with success. It was now that Loki realised that he had no blood on his face or anywhere. Thor must have cleaned it, but why?

'He's awake!' Sif shouted after one quick glance at Loki. Thor began running to him immediately, with Sif just behind him.
Fandral came around the corner of a big bush with yellow plants on it.

Thor held his distance, clearly not going to help Loki get up. He had this icy look in his eyes. But just for a second, his eyes softened, showing compassion. Was it because Thor knew what was about to come? Or did he genuinely feel bad for Loki?
That was when Sif and Fandral pulled him on his feet. They supported him a little, and that was nice, because his legs felt like jelly.

'This is what were going to do.' Thor said, looking into Loki eyes as he took a step closer to him.
'Were going to go to father and tell him you broke his vase trying to attack me.'

Loki couldn't believe what he was hearing. They were going to blame him?! No, they couldn't do that. Odin wasn't that stupid. Right?

Word count: 1413

LOST BOYS // Loki LaufeysonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin