11. Let's talk

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'Who are you?' Loki asked, slowly moving away from the cage. He wasn't taking any chances. The night was beginning and the stars were already sparkling in the sky. The moon was just a little sickle in the sky, but still gave enough light for Loki to look at the girl properly. She had dirty clothes and messy hair. She was skinny, but not abnormally. It looked like someone had taken care of her. The moonlight shining on her face made her look like a ghost. Which made the situation not less scary.

'I am Wendy.' The girl said. She seemed sad and scared. Like she didn't know if Loki was here to free her or kill her. The truth was, Loki didn't know either.

'Listen, who locked you up in here?' He asked. He needed to know if this girl was his friend or his enemy. Then he could make a choice what to do with her.

'I...I can't tell.' The girl said. He looked into her eyes and saw a cry for help for a second. She wanted to tell. But for some reason she couldn't. Then her eyes turned dull again.

'Look, I can't help you if you don't tell me the truth.' He said. He tried to make her see that he was no threat and that she could trust him. This was off course hard to do because she was in a cage and he was not, which made him the person with power.

The truth was, he didn't really know what to do if she told him the truth. What if Peter locked her up? For good or bad reasons. Did he have the right to decide over this girls fate? She didn't seem dangerous, but how did he know. Most of the time he was the one who needed saving.  He wasn't ready to be a hero.

'Go away!' The girl suddenly screamed. Loki was a little taken aback by this. It seemed a bit out of character for the girl. Who had been quiet for most of there conversation. It just felt wrong. He stepped back a few steps.

'Go away! Go away! GO AWAY!'

He was confused. This girl was calm a minute ago. What made her scream like that? He looked around for someone she might be screaming at, but it was just him and her. He didn't know what to do. Should he run or stay to help her even if she screamed to him that he should go away.


That's when he ran. He knew she couldn't do anything, but he still was scared of that girl. The second he ran he already regretted it. The idiot he was! He could have helped, he could have saved her! He would be a hero then! But he was to scared. To scared to help, to scared to stop running. The running part was something he always had been good at. Not at running towards something, but running away. Running was an effective method against bullies, because most of the time he was faster then them. He ran until he reached the camp and went looking for a place to sleep.


Peter was walking through the camp with his best friend Felix. They had been best friends for hundreds of years. Felix was the first and original lost boy, and he was very close to Peter's heart.

'So this new boy is the key to your plan to save the island?' Felix asked, still thinking about their conversation the night before.

'Yes. His magic will be enough to fuel the island for the next few hundred years.' Peter answered. His plan wasn't complicated, but it was genius in his own opinion.

'Why didn't you tell the boy what he has to do?' Felix asked.

'Well, the price for saving the island is very high. I don't think he knows us and the island well enough to make a decision. Off course he can make a decision, he just can't make the right one.'

'Listen about him...' Felix started, but stopped immediately when he saw Loki walk over from the other side of the camp. Loki looked tired, but nevertheless smiled when he saw Peter and Felix.

'Goodnight Loki. What are you still doing up?' Peter asked.

'Hello Peter and...'


'Right. Is there anywhere I can sleep?' Loki asked. He wasn't going to tell Peter about his little adventure just yet. He didn't trust Pan enough. And this Felix guy was standing here anyway, so wasn't going to tell him.

'You can sleep with the other boys in one of the little wooden homes. Just walk in one and find yourself a hammock.'

'Okay, goodnight Peter.'

Loki walked of in the direction of the homes. Peter and Felix kept standing.

'He doesn't seem that impressive.' Felix said, not liking Loki at all.

'You just wait.' Peter said.

Word count: 822

LOST BOYS // Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now