18. You have my heart: Part 1

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The pain of the dagger slicing though his heart was sharp and quick. And although the actual knife was meters away, the pain was not. Looking down at his chest, he could not see a wound. He let his hands run over it to check for any place where his skin had been list, but to no avail. In all the frantic pain in his chest and the world around him growing dark, he forgot what was important.

His best friend was dying.

--2 hours earlier--

What is the best way to find out someone's plans? Loki had a lot of experience snooping around people in the castle. Asking the right people the right questions, and he was determined to crack this mystery.

What was Peter doing? What did he want with him?

To know this he needed to ask the one person who was close with Peter some questions. Felix. He was an overall broody guy, not saying much, but having a general sense of authority over the other boys. When he said something had to be done, then it was done. No other boy except Peter had this much control.

But Felix and Peter were too good friends to ever betray each other, so there would be no way that he could convince Felix that Peter was up to no good. But, there was a way to exploit the friendship and partnership that Felix and Peter had.

Make Felix think that he knew what was going on. Make him nervous so he would run to Peter and tell him that Loki knew. Then they would panic and when people panic, they make mistakes. They will try to do whatever they want to do faster.


'Hey, Felix!' Loki said jogging to catch up to the much taller boy. He needed to be casual in the beginning and then catch Felix off guard.

'Loki...What do you want?' Felix said smiling very fake. Loki could clearly see that Felix did not want to talk to him.

'Well, ever since I came back from the dreamscape Peter has been acting differently.' This was a lie, he has suspected Peter from the beginning.

'Oh, what do you think the reason is?' Felix asked, getting slightly nervous. Gosh, this boy was really bad at hiding his feelings.

'Well I don't know, I was going to ask if you knew.'

'Uhm, no. Sorry I can't really help.' Felix said, walking away. Oh, this was too easy.

'I know you're hiding something.' Loki said with a slight smirk. Felix turned to face him and looked to be in a mild state of panic.

'Where not hiding anything on skull rock.' Felix blurted out. This boy was an idiot.

'You aren't? Well, that isn't my understanding. Good day Felix.' Loki said, turning around and walking away. Mission success.


Peter sat on a fallen tree on the western beach when Felix found him. He took a seat next to his friend and sighed.

'Peter, I think Loki knows.'

'No Felix, he doesn't. If he did he wouldn't just sit quietly in the camp. But he is on to us, you are right about that. And that is a complication.'

'What are we going to do?'

'I don't...' Peter started, but he grasped his head in pain.

'It is getting worse, isn't it?'

'Yes, we don't have much time. We need to have Loki's magic to save me.'

'Isn't there another way to save you?'

'Believe me, if there was, I would have done it. When I made a deal with the shadow to stay in Neverland, the land of dreams, I didn't expect this to be a complication. But when you think about it, it is quite logical. This place and I live on magic. I have been draining that magic for centuries, and now there is almost no more.'

Peter stood and watched over the sea. Felix sat behind him, clearly thinking.

'What happens to Loki when we drain him of his magic?'

'He'll die, but that is a small price to pay.'

'You wanted him to give you his magic willingly, but I don't think he is going to do that now. After all his suspicions.'

'No, he won't give it to me, no. But we need him to give it willingly, then it will have the optimal effect.'

'So how are we going to do that?'

'We just need to ask one question: Who does he trust?'

From the trees further in the island two eyes go wide. Simion, who had been watching this conversation, tries to run away, but his legs get stuck in the vines on the ground. He needs to tell Loki this before it is too late.

'Why run away Alex? The real game is about to start.' Peter's voice sounds from behind him.

'And I think I'm going to use you for the grand opening.'

LOST BOYS // Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now