15. I dreamed a dream

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Breakfast was quiet and boring. Peter was gazing into nothingness with an apple in his hand. He had a focused look on his face, he was thinking about something. The Lost Boys were also quiet, as they didn't want to disturb Peter's thinking.

Simion sighed, looking to the empty chair to his right. Loki hadn't woken up yet. He was stressing about his heart the day before, so it made sense that he needed a good nights rest.

But then there was this annoying feeling in the back of Simion's mind. A feeling that something was wrong, something was off. Loki could be in danger. He said his father talked to him through his dreams, so who knew what he was dreaming right now?

Peter stood up without saying a word and left the table, leaving his uneaten apple behind him. He was worried too, could it maybe be about Loki too?

Felix stood up too, following Peter to the forest outside of the camp. Simion decided that it was not a wise plan to follow Peter and Felix. He could better check on his friend.


'So, what are you thinking?'

Peter turned to his best friend Felix, leaning against a tree. He looked so relaxed, not worried at all. Peter was anything but relaxed. The king of Asgard was a threat to him and his plan.

'I think that we should keep Odin far away from us.'

'How are we gonna make sure that he doesn't find us. He's smart Peter, his wife is one of the most powerful sorceresses in all the realms, he knows how to use that power.' Felix said, looking at Peter with a now worried look too.

'We need to banish him from Loki's dreams before he finds out where Loki is. He can't influence him.' Peter said while he played with green magic in his hands.

'Agreed, but how? We can't really step into the dream and tell Odin to back off.'

Peter smiled, looking at Felix with a twinkle in his eyes.

'Maybe we can, have you ever heard of the Sands of Morpheus?' Peter asked. 

'Can't say I have. Are they something from over there?'

'Yes, but I happen to have a small amount here, for a rainy day. These sands allow a person to enter the dreamscape of another.'

'So, will you enter his dreams then Pan. I think it would be quite amusing to see you defeat a king.' Felix said, pretending that he pushed a sword through somebody. Peter smiled as he walked around, shaking his head.

'No, I can't. He might recognise me. And if he knows who I am, then he knows were Loki is and the whole mission has been for nothing. No, we need someone who nobody knows. Someone that can't be traced back to me.'

'Who? The Allfather is All-knowing, right?'

'Almost, but in my experience, these important figures don't really pay attention to the side characters of stories. Like Alex.'


'Whatever. He can enter Loki's dream realm and save Loki.' Peter said, smiling at his own brilliant plan.

'But how is he going to defeat Odin? He's just a boy.'

'No Lost Boy is just a boy. The boy can fight, I know it. But in case that is not enough, I'll give him a bit of magic.'

They smiled at each other. They had a plan.


'You want me to do what?' Simion asked, looking at the two older boys in front of him. He just went to check on Loki and, as expected, he was still asleep. When he came back the camp was empty, with only Peter and Felix standing in the middle, whispering to each other. He had approached them, asking if something was wrong. As soon as they saw him, they both put on there best fake smiles and asked for his help.

'You have to enter his dreams, to stop his father from finding out where he is.' Peter explained, in a way that was fit for a young child.

'But, how can I defeat the All-father? I'm just a boy.' Simion said. He hated that he had to admit it, but it was true. He was weak. He couldn't fight some mystical emperor of a far of realm. He had to be realistic.

'You're just a boy, but with a little magic from Pan.' Felix said, grinning creepily. Simion took a step back. He liked to watch Loki's magic, but he knew Pan's magic was dark and scary.

'Magic? I don't know the first thing about magic!'

'But you know about magic hearts, don't you?' Peter asked.

'You want me to find Loki's heart?' Simion asked, more confused than ever. Loki's heart was not in his dream, it was in the real Asgard. He saw Felix rolling his eyes and Peter sigh.

'No, not his heart. Now listen, this is what you're gonna do...'


They were standing over the sleeping Loki. Most people looked peaceful when they were asleep. Loki was not one of them. He tossed and turned with a frown on his face, sometimes flinching.

'We need to wake him up. ' Peter said, crouching down to wake Loki.

'Why, I thought we needed to get in his dream?' Simion asked.

'Not his dream, his dreamscape. A fiction of his subconscious, that's were Odin's probably hiding. He can't enter his dreamscape if he is dreaming.'

Peter shook Loki awake. Loki blinked his eyes a couple of times, looking very sleepy and confused. He sat up, looking at Peter and Simion.

'Peter? Simion? What's going on?' He asked, right before the sand was thrown in his eyes and he fell back on his bed.

'Ready Simion?' Peter asked, smiling at him. Simion eyes went wide, Peter had just called him Simion, not Alex. This was a special day indeed.


Simion landed on the bed next to Loki, entering the dreamscape of the Asgardian god.

LOST BOYS // Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now