20. My darling

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Calm down, you can do this. Who do you trust? Peter? Nope. Felix? Nope. Anybody else on this bloody island?

The more Loki thought of it, he realised that Simion was his only friend on the island. His friend that had just died in his arms and was currently bleeding on his chest. The gore and blood just kept clogging up his attention as he tried to think. His only friend was dead. Killed by the boy he knew not to trust from the beginning. The boy had now stabbed his best friend. Oh god, there was so much blood.

Shakely stood up and put Simion's body down. He wobbled towards the ledge of skull rock and puked into the sea. What should he do with the body? He didn't want to barry it, because then he had to look in his friends cold and dead face a hundred times over. Throwing him in the sea would be easy, but was that what Simion would have wanted? Burning someone reminded him of the large bonfires at an Asgardian funeral, so that was a big no. Why was he even thinking right now? He needed to focus and figure out the task at hand, escaping. But his head felt so light as all the memories of what happened came back.

He needed to lay down for just a moment, not very long. He would be up and running in a minute. He felt his head fell back to the stone below him as he faded in and out of reality. Just a minute.

A deafening scream reached his ears the moment he hit the ground. he shot up with renew energy as he looked to the origin of the sound, somewhere deep in the forest.

And all of the sudden it clicked in his head. He knew what to do. Scrambling up he started to run off into the forest, but not without touching Simion's hand as a token of goodbye first. His light-headedness hadn't stopped, but it was easier to keep his legs and mind moving now that he had a goal.

He skidded to a halt when he saw the cage he had discovered a little while ago. Wendy sat in it, sobbing and softly murmuring under her breath. Loki walked closer slowly, he didn't want to scare her. The only person on the island who could help him. But first, he had to help her.

He never had been the best at speaking and interacting in general, so he needed a moment to think of something to say to the sobbing girl. His hand fell on the lock of the cage. Getting her free was a good first step. He made a fireball in his hand and let the lock melt away, careful not to let the rest of the cell catch fire.


Hey? That's the best you could think of? You idiot she's gonna run away. He felt his head spinning. Just focus, no time to second guess.

Wendy turned her head and her watery eyes focussed on his unsure ones. He expected her to scream and run, and stood ready to grasp her if needed. But she didn't move her mouth hanging slightly open before she spoke.

'Are you one of the lost boys?'

'No, not anymore. Listen I know what Pan did to you, and now I need your help to get off this island.'

'...Okay.' She said after thinking for a moment. She stood up and walked out of the cage wobbly. There were three wounds on her face, but Loki decided that this was not the time to question it. This went relatively easy to what he had expected, but then again, he would also jump at any opportunity to escape the moment he saw it.

'Are you okay?' The girl asked, looking at his chest and hands. He looked down too and saw his hands and clothes covered in blood. Simion's blood. Oh god not now, he told himself after he became dizzy again. Recovering quickly he nodded to Wendy.

'I'm fine.'

They stared at each other for a moment, both needing a minute to grasp what was going on.

'Listen, Wendy, we need to get off the island. Do you know how?' wendy shook her head and Loki's heart fell to his shoes. Well, there went his only escape plan.

'Do you know anything else that can help us?'

'I maybe know something, but it's bad. Like killing someone bad.' Wendy said. Loki cringed at her choice of words and tried not to think back to his friend's cold body on top of skull rock. 

'Just tell me, anything can help us at this point.'

'Peter's life and magic come from the island. His magic is stored in a giant hourglass inside skull rock. You can absorb the magic in the hourglass and become the master of the island. Only Peter will die.'

This didn't sound too bad to Loki. He had learned from all the Asgardian fairytales that warriors got revenge on the person that killed someone they cared about. Why was this any different?

'Wait, you said inside skull rock? How do we get in?'

'There is a magic field around it keeping outsiders away from the hourglass. Only someone without a shadow can enter.'

'Wait? Without a shadow? Everybody has a shadow.'

'Peter doesn't. And he uses that to his advantage.'

Loki thought back to the times in camp. Did Pan really not have a shadow? He never noticed. Not that it was something a person was directly looking for offcourse. 

'How do I remove my shadow?'

'I don't know.'

'Well great, I'll just find it out as we go.'

Wendy nodded slowly and began to walk towards skull rock with him, both not saying a word. Small talk wasn't really something Loki wanted to do right now.

LOST BOYS // Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now