19. You have my heart: Part 2

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After talking to Felix and getting some food Loki returned to the campfire. Looking around the camp, he could not find his friend.

He wasn't worried, there were many places where he could be. But the thing that worried him was that Simeon's jacket was lying on the ground near the forest line. Why would he leave his jacket? Why would he drop his jacket there? Was he taken? Was he hurt?

Taking a few breathes Loki tried to calm himself down. Nothing happened, they saved here. His father was gone, thinking he was dead. Nobody would hurt him.

Except for Peter.

Shit, what if Peter found out he knew and took Simion as some form of leverage?  No, this wasn't the plan, he didn't want Simion involved in his plan. Was Peter planning something that bad? Was he really as evil as Loki thought?

Well, he knew where he would probably take Simion.

Skull Rock.


Going in there guns blazing was probably not the best idea, but the rage in Loki's chest said otherwise. Thoughts and doubts about how he was going to fight Peter raced through his mind. He couldn't beat him then, so what was going to give him the upper hand now? How did he even now Peter had taken his best friend? No, that was not a question to dwell over. Something happened, he knew it.

He felt his legs turn in spaghettis in the time he had reached Skull Rock. He felt weak and shaky. it felt like some sort of needle was pressed against his chest. The rage and bravery took place for fear and doubt. Was he doing the right? Could he do this? What was happening to him?

He looked behind him, looking if anybody was close, but nobody was in sight. Skull Rock itself seemed to be empty, but, as he looked closer, he could see figures climbing to the top of it.

He didn't have the best eyes in the world, but he clearly recognized Simion shaky silhouette as one of them.

It didn't take a genius to figure out who the other silhouette was.

The needle slowly turned into a small knife being painfully pushed against his body. What the hell was that? 

Coming closer to Peter and Simion he could now see there faces. Peter had a mad glint in his eyes, while Simion looked terrified.

'Peter, what are you doing?' Loki said, confused. He knew what was happening, but maybe he could convince Peter he didn't and he would let Simion go.

'You know what I'm doing Lokes, and you know why.' Peter answered turning his head in slowly towards him.

'No I don't, is this some game?' Loki asked. This was ridiculous, Peter would never buy his innocence.

'Come on Loki! You're no fun! You figured it out, be proud of that!' Peter shouted.

'Just run Loki!' Simion yelled after him, sounding like every form of bravery had already gone.

No, he couldn't run. He needed to be a hero today, even if it was just for now.

'Stay calm Simion, everything is going to be okay.' He said, more to himself than to his friend.

The next few seconds happened in a weird sort of slow motion. He Peter raised a knife, while Loki's hands started shaking with magic, trying to redirect all that power towards Peter took a second, and that was exactly what Peter needed. Loki saw the knife plunge into Simion's chest as the first wave of magic escaped from him. Peter was knocked over by this and fell off the rock, probably landing in the water.

Seeing his friend's teary and red eyes turning to him made him sprint at top speed. But then it hit him.

The pain of the dagger slicing though his heart was sharp and quick. And although the actual knife was meters away, the pain was not. Looking down at his chest, he could not see a wound. He let his hands run over it to check for any place where his skin had been sliced but to no avail. In all the frantic pain in his chest and the world around him growing dark, he forgot what was important.

His best friend was dying.

Through all the pain he ran to him, taking him in his arms. It looked like Simion was trying to say something, but nothing came out.

Why didn't he take magic healing lessons with his mother? He knew how to stop a little paper slice, but not this. All he could do was delay the inevitable. Hover his hands over Simions body in a desperate attempt to he saw Simions eyes light up. He heard his friend take a deep breath.

'Loki?' He asked in a groggy voice, still trying to breathe normally.

'Yes, I'm here. I'm right here.' Loki said, feeling tears forming in his eyes. He was one of the most powerful magic users and he could even save his best friend.

'Can you save me?'

'No, I'm so sorry.' Loki said, tearing up.

'That's okay Loki, it's okay.' Simion tried to calm him down. He should be the one comforting Simion, not the other way around.

'No, it's not. I should have come here earlier, I should never have challenged him.'

'Loki...Can you do something for me?' Simion asked, who started to have trouble breathing again. The blood out of his wound also started to come out again. They didn't have long.

'Offcourse, anything. Just tell me.'

'Throw me in the sea, don't bury me here. I can't spend another second on this island.' Simion said with a little smile.

'Alright, I can do that. I'm so sorry Simion.' Loki said, putting his head on Simion's head, just to be close to him.

'You have my heart.' Simion mumbled, seeming to enjoy Loki's embrace.

'Yes, I know.'

'No...Not like...that.' Simion tried to say gasping for air between the words. 'I love you.'

Loki didn't know what to say. He didn't know if he had the same feelings, but that didn't matter. Anything for his friend.

He kissed him, softly and carefully. Simions hands who were on Loki's arms tensed for a moment before relaxing.

'Goodbye friend.' Simion said closing his eyes.

'Goodbye friend.' Loki replied, smiling through this sad moment. 

Simion's body relaxed against him and didn't move again. Checking his pulse to make sure he wasn't still alive, he threw him in the sea. The sadness about his friend turned into anger for Peter. And then fear for his own life. And then sadness for his friend again. But one thing he knew:

He had to get off this island.

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