10. My new friend

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Loki woke up in a forest. Wait, a forest? He sprung up in a panic and looked around him. Memories from the previous day slowly came back to him and he calmed down a bit. But as his memories came back, so did the feelings he felt yesterday. He had shown weakness and he had let Peter know that he a weak spot. This worried him, but it wasn't the worst he was feeling. His anger for his family was still was the thing that was most on his mind right now. It was like an open wound. It was enormous and complicated and it felt like every cell in Loki's body was slowly being taken over by it.

Loki shivered, it was a cold morning. He didn't know how he had been able to fall asleep outside on the cold forest ground, he never liked sleeping on anything else than his own bed. He didn't remember falling asleep, he just remembered crying and his emotions overtaking everything.

He walked over to where he thought the camp was and saw Peter and the lost boys eating breakfast. He grinned and took a seat between two young boys that were probably between 8 and 10 years old. He took a plate and put some food on it, he was too tired to ask if he could grab the food and sit down, so he skipped the formalities.

'Did you sleep well Loki?' Peter asked who sat on the head of the table. A few boys looked confused because they didn't know who Loki was but most of the kids knew Loki's name.

'Like an angel, sunshine.' He said grumpy, he was not in a good mood. He was still mad at practically everybody and he felt like shit after having to sleep outside. Peter laughed and resumed eating his food. Loki looked at the people that sat around the table. The boys seemed almost scared of Peter. When Loki called him sunshine in a negative way they all tensed as if they were scared that Peter would do something. When Peter resumed eating they all relaxed again. This didn't seem like a happy family.

'So Loki, are you going to train with us when you're done eating?' One of the kids asked, a few nodded and mumbled that would be a great idea while the others just ignored him. Loki didn't feel up to training because of his bad experiences with Thor and his father, but he excepted anyways, he didn't have anything else to do.

'That is a great idea! Loki really needs some training. Last night I won from him with one hand behind my back!' Peter said, grinning. The other boys laughed too, some a bit uncomfortable. Loki felt shivers going down his spine when he thought of the fight he had yesterday and how he had lost control. He shook the thought out of his head and managed to smile a bit so nobody would think he had anything against Peter.

After breakfast, they went down to the training grounds. They looked completely different from the training grounds on Asgard and Loki didn't mind that. He didn't want to be reminded of his training sessions with his brother and father. They all grabbed a sword and divided themselves between partners so that they could spar together. Loki was, of course, the last one to be chosen, but that didn't matter to him. He got paired with one of the youngest boys and he felt bad for the kid for having to fight against someone that was so much bigger than him.

Of course, he was completely wrong.

The boy fought like a maniac and Loki could barely keep up with him. The younger boy just moved to fast for Loki to keep up with him and almost every sparring session ended with a wooden sword that hit Loki. But the weird thing was, Loki enjoyed it. Every time he fell down or lost he and the boy laughed about it and went back for another round. Loki didn't feel like he was being beaten. He was having actual fun.

They trained for the whole day and Loki started to like this boy very much. He didn't feel like he had to hide who he was with this boy. Maybe it was the boy his age that made him feel like he could tell anything and the boy would do no harm. Or maybe it was just because the boy was kind and listened to him.

They decided to take a walk in the woods after dinner. The boy wanted to show Loki some parts of the forest so Loki would know where he was if he ever went into the forest on his own. He and the boy chatted for a bit before deciding that they would go to the beach to watch the sunset.

'I never asked for your name. I'm Loki.' Loki said, feeling a bit ashamed for not asking this boy his name.

'I... don't really have one. My parents never gave me one because to them I was just their little slave. Peter gave me a name when I came here, but I really never liked it. He got the name from a book that I had with me, but the name just felt wrong to me.' The boy explained. Loki was shocked that there were parents that didn't even give their child a name.

'What does Peter call you?'


'I'm not gonna call you something you don't like, so you tell me how I should call you. You're one of the only persons that get's to choose their own name.'

'I would like to be called...Simion. My uncle called me that sometimes.'

'Okay Simion, I'm Loki. Do you want to be my friend?


They chatted for a while before heading back to came. When they arrived Loki said he wanted to look around a bit more so he went into the forest alone.

He didn't know why he wanted to walk on his own, but after everything that had happened the past few days he probably just had to process it. Now that he thought about it, he never took the time to sit down and reflect.

He walked a large circle around the camp before heading back. Just before he wanted to go into the camp he saw a cage. He walked closer and saw a girl sleeping in the cage.

'What the fuck?'


Word count: 1082


LOST BOYS // Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now